Full Moon 6-4-12 and Divine Venus Transit Photos

Doreen Smith's picture

For me, June 4th..2012..was the start of my 64th year of life... the end of my 9th life cycle of 7 years and the start of the my Divine10th cycle of life this time on Gaia, It was also the beginning of the Divine Venus transit window..The best present I, (or anyone) could ever ask for...Divine Feminine Love Energy...pouring forth on ALL...I hope you enjoy the following photos of this magical, Divine night...and June 5th, Venus transit.


Even though it was late, (around midnight) when we made the decision to get water from the well, my friend, Becky and me went to the artesian well on June 4th to replenish our supply of fresh spring water...The well is about 8 miles away from us in a little town called ONEKAMA..(pronounced O neck a ma) ONE kama..one comma..pause. (I love to play with words..LOL)...so we paused to take in the spectacular full moon...


After filling many gallons jugs with the sweet nectar of living water, we thanked Gaia and headed home...We HAD to stop by Portage Lake to look at the beautiful full moon...The moon was brilliant in a clear star studded sky...I felt blessed already with full water jugs and the beautiful full moon...

I don't own a camera and was thankful when Becky started taking pictures of the moon..I wanted to share these pics with everyone...It was such a special time..


The energy around the moon started with this first photo...





Although Venus can't be seen in these photos...She was there right next to the smile on the moon on the bottom right side...She looked like a little black dot...Energies expanding..





Rainbow rays on either side..Almost looks like a huge spacecraft...





Clouds started forming and drifted towards the moon.





A ring also formed around the moon, thanks to the clouds...It was divine rose pink.. Divine Feminine Energy...I knew the upcoming Venus/Sun transit was the next night, June 5th, so I was really excited to see Venus in front of the moon the night before on my birthday.. Energy from the moon was visibly increasing...Luna wasn't very high in the heavens at that time, but shone brilliantly..




The increased energy formed a platinum rainbowed X across the moon....







It was amazing to actually see the energy increasing with more and more Divine rays around the moon...




Bits and pieces of cloud rolled in very strangely.. there was only one section where clouds were forming in the entire star studded night and it was right around the moon and only for about an hour!! The picture below looks like a hand just under the moon like it's presenting this gem...








This halo around the moon was a beautiful bright pink with rainbow colors at the edges...





The clouds rolled back only briefly for the next photo..



After the above pic was taken, the clouds rolled in once more..This is the last photo by the lake on that Divine magical night..To me, it almost looks like the bearded face of God..with an all seeing eye in the very middle where a nose would be...Absolutely Divine!!!




It was a delightful full moon and Divine display of Feminine Energies being released by Luna before Venus's journey to transit the sun..Divine Sun..Becky and me were breathing in all the beautiful Love energies. I'm sure EVERYONE was, and has been breathing deeply all the Love being showered on ALL ever since...                             


The Venus transit on June 5th, 2012 was amazing...I actually saw Venus on the Sun looking through three pairs of sunglasses...I felt so energized and blessed

being able to see Venus, not once, but twice on her journey to transit the sun...



                                          Official NASA/SDO Photos


 A Fiery Crossing

photo credit...NASA/SDO-June 5, 2012


This is where I last saw Venus before the sun sank below the Lake Michigan waterline..Lovely Venus, full of Love..We're all feeling her Divine Love energy increase daily ..Divine Love shining through and with ALL...


Venus Crossing the Sun

photo credit...NASA/SDO



We are so blessed to be present on this beautiful planet, Gaia and to witness sacred events like the Venus Transit, Lunar Eclipse, the Alignment in May (and the alignment and Awakening Divine within each of us) I so love each and every brave soul who chose to be here for all the Blessed events unfolding daily in our lives for the good of ALL and Divine Ascension...Divine WILL of LOVE.. LOVE WILL SHINE, SHINE, SHINE FOREVER AND EVER!!


Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3 HappyDoreen-HappyNeerod