Full Moon in Taurus: Joy is Simple and Everywhere!

Lia's picture


Sunday's Full Moon in Taurus at 25 degrees highlights simplicity, a return to valuing ourselves more, reflections on financial energy, and making a commitment to inner peace regardless of external events.


The ongoing Sun in Scorpio energy shows us what is ready to be transformed in our lives. We see this progression visually in nature as trees drop leaves, branches become bare, and roots dig deeper for nutrients. We release what is outgrown and return to the core of our beingness for inner strength. It can be a complex, personal process (depending on how you work with Scorpio/Pluto energy), but the intention is deeper self-knowing about what lurks in your psyche and intimate nature. Scorpio is the zodiac’s detective, excelling in focus, persistence, passion, and resources. Transformation can bring us to even more amazing places when we allow the process, follow the high-vibes, and Trust that we are so deeply loved.


The Full Moon is ruled by Venus, which is currently in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto. This also means Venus in Capricorn is squaring Uranus in Aries. If you know astrology lingo, you might even be thinking “uh-oh...” right about now. But let's step back and take a realistic viewpoint of this energy: We're in the process of deeply changing our values, relationships, and how we share ourselves with the world. Venus is shining a light on how well we are doing that with self-respect, and making sure we are loving ourselves in the process. This also validates the prominent theme around relationship changes, as my friend Shannon mentions in her latest blog post. She also makes the connection that how you spend your energy is similar to how you spend your money. A perfect reminder for this Full Moon.


Most importantly, there are plenty o' good vibes and joy in the air - and in our energy fields - with this Full Moon! Jupiter in Cancer trines the Sun and sextiles the Moon, showcasing the wisdom of the Bigger Picture and how you can trust your feelings, intuition, and Heart right now. You really, really can.


Mars in Virgo trining the Moon and sextiling the Sun means it's the perfect time to follow the uplifting energy threads and go where they take you! The steps may be small, and keep in mind the details count, but the practical elements will line up to create an even better outcome. What area of your life is ready for this perspective? Where do you need to take one small step to get something moving?


As an example, I am experiencing this Full Moon energy with a few projects I am passionate about. Each one is undergoing unexpected changes as of this past week, and a part of me really wanted to hold on to THIS version of what I know (Taurus). But as soon as I let go of my attachment to controlling (Scorpio), I felt fresh energy zoom in to take the projects to a new place. The next steps require a methodical approach, focus, and staying organized (Mars in Virgo). Delightfully, when I trusted that THIS was the new direction to go, the projects soared with the fresh possibilities about the next version (Jupiter in Cancer). I chose to trust that only the best possible outcomes would result from these upgrades! Look at how much support we have at this time!


Joy is simple - and it is everywhere! Use your energy to integrate stabilization, inspiration, and hope. Choose the uplifting ideas, feelings, projects, and relationships right now. Bask in the beauty of transformation and allow your journey to be peaceFull.




Categories: Astrology Updates



Hell-0 to All

Cinders's picture

I have attempted to set up my section on your web site with no success.  I am on a 2005 Dell laptop and she is having her problems with downloading, indicates Drive C is full and I cannot view some videos because she indicates i need to download Adobe Flash Player which I cannot do since she indicates my Drive C is full.  I believe it is time for her to take another trip to my computer genie for his skills.  I get very upset with her when she does not work properly.  I need to work on "MY PATIENCE" and to "LISTEN" to others more.  I make the "LISTEN" New Year Eve's Resolution every year.  I am adding the "PATIENCE" to this New Year's Eve celebration and I tend to interupt during conversations, which means I love to talk and I will talk to anyone.  I have always wondered what my purpose was for life and I could never give myself an answer.  The last time I went to a reading I asked her what my purpose was and that I had pondered over this for years.  She said Cindy, your purpose is people!!!!  I never thought of that.  It all made sense now.  My mother would go on trips across the country together and we could be anywhere and I always started conversations with people I did not know.  They would begin speaking to me and I would end up knowing quite a lot about these total strangers.  Mom asked me "Cindy, How do you do that?"  I asked her what she was talking about and she said "How do you start up conversations with people I do not know."  I told her I didn't know how I did this, I just do it.  I "FEEL" people.  When my husband passed away in 2005 there were so many visitations from our many friends and family.  My mom asked me "How do you remember everyone's name?"  She was amazed.  I told her "I just do, they are our friends and family and I love each and everyone of them and it is not hard to remember everyone's name when you love and care about them all.  I worked 33 years in the clerical department of a life insurance/securities office and waited on people who would walk in to file a death claim, pay their premium, see their Sales Rep. and took many, many phone calls from clients.  When I told them I was retiring they told me I couldn't, what would they do without me?  I knew their children, spouse's and grandchildren and their troubles and concerns, health problems and would even cry with them.  I really care for each individual from my spirit.  All of them could feel my concern for them and we would stand at the payment counter and talk for an hour.  When the phone rang we would speak to each other while I looked up their information.  Many of them would not leave with out getting a hug.  I miss them very much.  I go to the office every month and the clients still ask for me.  I find that to be an honor that they care for me also.  My medium told me I have the ability to "Calm People and even Pets".  She told me I could walk into a room with the meanest, mad dog and that dog would cower and become calm when I entered the room."  I have that effect with people also.  I have re-married in 2007.  I am the Cancer sign and he is the Aquarius sign and at times we are like water and oil.  We just don't mix well.  This week has been a challenge....a big challenge for me.  We were butting heads.  If I can see the full moon this coming week, I am going to sit in those moon beams and restore myself.  I do have several items that need re-charged and I would like to leave them laying in the moon beams, but this time of year in Michigan it is usually cloudy most of the time. I was sad to park the motorcycle a few weeks ago.  That riding relieves so much stress. It's like riding my broom!!  I do have a room I want to use for meditation but it is full of my son's things. I am ready to donate his clothes and other items. That happened in 1989.  He passed away at the age of 14 in a moped accident.  He was 2 months shy of being 15.  That was a very tough bump in my life. Losing my soul mate to cancer and my son in an accident I sometimes sit and think why, why, why?  And that can drive a person crazy.  But I also believe that everything is the way it should be.  Everyone is doing what they should be doing. I do not believe we have control of anything.  I believe in destiny and fate. Our life path was made for us before we entered this world.  I know there is more evil entering this world every day and I am very concerned.  The evil one is trying to take control. Desperate people are doing desperate and horrible things.  God the Father Almighty will deal with these people and the Evil one.  I keep my faith strong because I know that God the Father Almighty will prevail.  God will win the war against the Evil one.  God is Love and will win this war. Why is it so hard for people to love one another??  I keep asking myself that question also.  Well, I have rambled on to long and the hubby wants me to fix chocolate chip cookies.....almost 10:00 and he wants me to play Easy Bake Oven!!  Love and Peace to All.  Blessed Be!!!!
