~The Galactic Free Press~ The Gates of Love Burst Open~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We are So very Honored to Announce that the Gates of Love Energetically are bursting open. Nothing can stop this energy from flowing. Just envision, that all the water ways, the rivers and oceans are full of overflowing Love and Truth. Love Has Arrived as an unstoppable energy on Planet Earth=Heart. Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff

~Space Weather Update~ Still Flatlined Sun~


QUIET SUN: With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's output has flatlined again. NOAA forecasters put the chance of an M-class flare during the next 24 hours at no more than 1%. Solar activity should remain low. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


AURORA WHIRLPOOL: On Feb. 14-15, Arctic skies erupted with an unexpected display of auroras that veteran observers said was among the best in months. At the height of the event, a US Defense Meteorological Program satellite photographed a whirlpool of Northern Lights over the Bering Sea:



"A number of images from the DMSP F18 satellite captured the dramatic auroral event of the last couple nights," says analyst Paul McCrone, who processed the data at the US Navy's Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center in Monterey, CA.



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SaLuSa 17~February~2012 The dark ones cannot plug the leak..Love is Flowing~


SaLuSa  17~February~2012


With sufficient faith there is nothing that you cannot do, and you have yet to understand how powerful you are. You are creating all of the time whether you realise it or not. Through many lives it is you who have created all that you experience now and you are probably surprised at how it is. Remember that you have not often exercised those powers to stop the march of the dark Ones. Whilst it is true their actions have been very devious, there has been little resistance to their aims. However, just of recent times you have begun to understand what has been going on around you. Without necessarily realising what you were achieving by focussing on a different outcome, you have created an energy for change that has grown immensely and opened up a powerful time line to Ascension. Now you see more clearly what you need to do to bring this cycle to a successful conclusion.



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~ BE ONE ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Fran Zepeda



~ BE ONE ~  Message from Yeshua ~



by ANdReA




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~Love is Arriving In Full Energy~ Twist of Fate~


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Most people, when the court tells them something is final, acquiesce. Not me! I'm not like most people; I will do what it takes to overturn injustice to the extent that I am able. Yes, it's for me in this case; yet in a very real sense, it is for everyone. We must take back our power and stand in truth, otherwise, we have no one to blame but ourselves. As I keep being reminded: We are the ones we have been waiting for all along. I'm playing my role. Are you playing yours?


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Arctic Vortex Shift/Europe Freezes


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Message from Yeshua ~ 2.16.12 ~ Be One


Message from Yeshua ~ 2.16.12 ~ Be One

As channeled through Fran Zepeda


From time beginning there has been evolution in your souls. No matter the age, there has always been growth. Dear ones, the times you are standing in now know no equal. There is no precedent, no yard stick, so to speak. You are all winging it, shall we say.  Appropriate words, since the transformations in your physical and light bodies are of the stuff made in Heaven. No one is the same anymore. Many changes have happened. You can feel the lightness and the lift in your souls.


It is time to search your inner guidance every day as to how you wish to focus your intentions so as to make the most of every particle of light-encoded information entering into your light bodies. You may want to be in meditation more in order to absorb all the information being downloaded as we speak. Notice the subtle changes in your body and how you look at things. You are getting a taste of what living in the 5th Dimension entails.


It is time to discard any thoughts that no longer resonate, but are there purely out of habit. Pay attention to those. Allow them to make way for new thoughts, thoughts of cooperation, and perceptions of what would be the best for the whole community and the world at large. You are beginning to think as a part of the macrocosm, as a part of the whole picture.


My dear friends, there is so much in store for you. Many of you have already gone on board a fast moving train to Ascension. Your old lives seem to be whipping on by as you look through the windows. Old baggage is being thrown overboard. A clean, clear perspective is remaining, a lightness that reflects the transition from the old paradigm.  You are arriving, dear ones, faster than you think. Take many moments in your day to relish and appreciate the changes in your bodies, in your hearts and all around you.



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Feminine and masculine simply Are One in Love - by Jill Renee


Feminine and masculine simply Are One in Love





by Galactic Love Reporter Jill Renee

Divine Feminine? Divine Masculine? The more I allow my own expansion the less attached I become to the concept of gender in my experiencing the higher levels of consciousness. In pondering this topic, I asked Gaia ("Mother Earth") this morning if she identifies with both divine masculine and divine feminine energies. Her response? Of course. In my experience presently, the Sun is not "male", the Earth is not "female" they are both, they are whole-ness in their God frequencies at their highest frequencies which is how I choose to experience their consciousness.

Mind bender...


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HEAVEN #4102 ~ THE RULES OF THE GAME ~ 17.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff




Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

The Rules of the Game

Heavenletter #4102 Published on: February 17, 2012

God said:

Be sure that you remind yourself that nothing in the world is as important as it seems to be to you. Let go of a sense of importance. Let go of your sense of importance, not only of yourself, but of what goes on around you. It is all fleeting. Today there is one challenge. Tomorrow there is another. Challenges are part of regular life in the world. Are you going to light a fire under every one of them?


You will run out of breath if you think every difficulty that arises is yours to solve. Some difficulties have to be passed by. For some difficulties, you have to say to yourself: "I will just let this finish its run."


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I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service - by Galactic Love Reporter David Brown.



by Galactic Love Reporter David Brown.
image by Will
Wednesday, 18 January, 2012  at San Jose, Costa Rica  (posted 17 February, 2012) 
Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.
It’s wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night. There is much love and much change in the air. The new world is coming and there will be a peaceful transition into the new world; many, many changes are going to come to this earth.


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Blossom Goodchild ~ Is It W’earth it? ~ 17 February 2012


Blossom Goodchild ~ Is It W’earth it? ~ 17 February 2012


Hello peoples.

Over the time I have been in the ’public eye’ I have received many emails telling me to be very careful about ‘who’ I am channelling.


(quite a bit lately … hence why I bring it up) All over this web that we weave there is much speculation as to what is and what is not of the Light.Well, first of all EVERYTHING is of DIVINE LIGHT ENERGY.


Now then , before I prattle on … of course what I have to say are MY thoughts on the matter and certainly not set in stone. Others … for sure … FEEL differently to the way I do … but I would just like to clear a few things up … regarding my status if I may.


When in school I did not chat to the careers officer about becoming a messenger for the Star People. I knew that all I desired to do was go on the stage. I had no interest in all this ‘stuff’ what so ever. Fast forwarding … here I find myself at 54 years old delivering messages to many thousands of people from an energy that is ‘beyond me!’


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Hi, Folks -

Thanks to Reader R. for the pointers and footwork on this. :)

Available as video:


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Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room Ashtar Teleconference



Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room




Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012



"Ahhh, what a story! What a story! [Referring to the Star Wars theme song.] Do you recall that? There’s Truth in that series of movies. Of course there was war and it came to Peace but we want to emphasize what really, really is important, and that is the return to Love. Yes, there were some dark times but in the end it was Love that shone forth. Remember, Ashtar gave that assignment a while back, and for those of you who might remember it, the assignment was to love that little boy all the way through, and then at the very end he returned to Love, even after he had been such a dark evil being. He understood that what was really important was Love.



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End of the Rope: Magnetic Re~Alignment


End of the Rope: Magnetic Re~Alignment



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ FYI: No matter what any information says about the ego, you cannot balance ego, you cannot do anything with it, but release it, its unconsciousness and its a program. The ego cannot enter in this energy, its impossible~ The GFP Staff


The Group | Channeled through Steve Rother

February 15, 2012



Greetings from Home



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Oracle Report ~ Friday February 17 2012 ~ by Gillian ~ Third Quarter Moon Phase



Oracle Report ~ Friday February 17 2012
Posted on February 17, 2012 by Gillian
Oracle Report
Third Quarter Moon Phase
The keywords for today are emergence, transformation, and metamorphosis. In some way, something new is emerging from within us. This can be anything: a new way to look at something, a new plan, resolution of an issue that has plagued you, a long-forgotten talent, a change of heart, a leap of faith, etc.
The energy is that of a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. When a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, it turns into something that we would say is more beautiful. It goes from being all wrapped up inside of itself to unbounded freedom. So, today we have a wonderful opportunity to come out of something that no longer serves us, especially feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, and sadness, which are rampant now. You can do this by embracing the unknown instead of fighting against it today. This is hard for many of us, but it is a skill that must be acquired in order to effectively ride the waves of chaos and breakdown that are underway.


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As Above ~ So Below


As Above ~ So Below~



Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas


I remember last year, spirit said many times that in 2012 “much will be asked of you.” (all of us, not just me.) I think so many of us have been in such a lull for the last few years, we looked forward to being asked to do anything. I know I was excited!

I have been excited every day this year. Everything gets fuller, richer, and there is so much more to understand now. But I don’t feel any longer that is what spirit was really staying… the universe is so tricky!!



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Shala Mata ~ The Whales and Dolphins work ~ Sunday, 12 February, 2012



Shala Mata ~ The Whales and Dolphins work
Sunday, 12 February, 2012  (posted 17 February, 2012) 
Dearest Light Family, 
Welcome to my February 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse.  Today during my review of the energy for February we discussed the current energy trends for this month and the ebbs and flows of our collective journey.
February opened brighter and somewhat lighter than expected.  The deep inner review of January culminated in a sense of adventure and openness ( even in the smallest of increments ) as February dawned a frequency that felt welcoming.


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The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience : Director: Joe Martino, Mark DeNicola, Matthew Christodoulou | Producer: Collective Evolution



The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience  

Joe Martino, Mark DeNicola, Matthew Christodoulou 


by Galactic Love Reporter Lily 

Ansaluia - by Galactic Love Reporter Shelly Dressel



image by Dawn Christine
by Galactic Love Reporter Shelly Dressel
Sunday, 15 January, 2012 
This channel is actually a little shorter than others are, but man is it packed with a powerful energy!! The Goddess took some time at the beginning to have everyone align with their physical body while they were still grounded. I wasn’t sure why at first, then it became clear.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/16/12



We have gently influenced you in ways to bring about greater understandings and to assist in the facilitation of learning and the expansion of your consciousness. We have also been able to detect and monitor negative beings who have been able to influence certain people, and who have been able to detect weaknesses of a particular person and find ways to influence them in this way. Given permission, we of the Galactic Federation of Light will see to it this undue influence abruptly ends, and we have specially trained personnel to deal with these negative beings and remove them from your sphere.


All one needs to do is grant us this permission by stating either out loud or to themselves words such as ‘I command all negative extraterrestrial, negative terrestrial, and negative entities to vacate my personal sphere as well as my surroundings at once and forever’, or any similar declaration in your own words, and we will immediately take action to come to your aid and purify your home, office, or wherever it is you are. This is one of the tasks we are trained for and are better suited to handle then you at the present time, and we look forward to assist you in this way.



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~The Galactic Free Press~Energy and Event Update~ Out with the old, this Powerful Energy of Love Commands ~ Enter 5th Dimensional Alignment~


~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~16~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~


~Energy and Event Update~ Out with the old, this Powerful Energy of Love Commands ~ Enter 5th Dimensional Alignment~



Artwork By Father God


~Greetings Love Beings, We continue our New Daily Message Series.~



Magnetic Field~ A Region Established by the Presence of a Magnet or electric current. Example~ Planet Earth=Heart is Surrounded in a Pure Magnetic Field, Pure Consciousness Energy, of Love Source Energy, called The Higher Grid, or Golden Grid.



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AA Gabriel ~ A Wave of Teachers Has Arrived ~ by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK February 16, 2012


AA Gabriel ~ A Wave of Teachers Has Arrived ~ Channeled by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK 2/16/12 February 16, 2012


February 16, 2012

AA Gabriel

[Hello my friend.] Hi Suzy, an update for you. [Super, I am ready.] Now in the dimensions are teachers who have come forward to assist your beautiful planet. These teachers came in a wave of love and light at the invitation of Creator and God.

Some have incarnated, some have ‘walked-in’ some are standing beside your leaders and friends as the voice heard deep within their hearts. This is opening your own heart and in this experience you will develop greater intuitiveness.


While these teachers reach out to infuse their energy to the masses, they are letting you all know of their presence. Usually you write off such experiences as an anomaly; a world leader who has the interest for the greater good in mind or a stranger that says the most timeliest thing to you in passing. These experiences finds your hearts in an ease of lightness and gratitude.


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An Open Letter: Greece Today


An Open Letter: Greece Today

2012 February 16

Thank You to BZ Riger at 2012 Scenerio

Dear Friends,

I know that you are concerned about me and all the happenings in Greece, and I feel the need to tell you a few things about the situation here.

I am sorry  I didn’t answer earlier, but it was the enthusiasm about the blogs that absorbed most of my free time. And although I have started reducing my job obligations to reach the minimum, in order to have more spare time to serve the Galactic Federation, there are still people that need my help and my services.


Well, the situation in Greece seems to go very-very bad. All that measures do nothing but worsen the situation. But I think that the things go as SaLuSa or Nidle say in most cases. I see that people are not afraid any more, they are angry with the politicians!



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Matthew C. Cox ~ Understanding The White Hats ~ 16 February 2012


Matthew C. Cox ~ Understanding The White Hats ~ 16 February 2012



It may be my Christian background or it may be prudence. Whatever the case, when I hear something new, I find myself looking for confirmation. The Biblical mandate to establish something at the mouth of “two or three witnesses” is an obsession for me.

If those witnesses don’t know each other, this gives the new information even more credibility.


Therefore, when I first heard about “The White Hats,” I reserved judgment. According to written reports, The White Hats are a group of people who work within government institutions. They work for the military, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and other government agencies.

When Bill Brockbrader (aka Bill Wood) began to talk about them, I silently told myself, “That’s two.”


When my friend Tommy told me about his phone call, I said, “That’s three.”


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The Creator of Your Life Plan ~ by Love Reporter Veronica



 ~ The Creator of Your Life Plan ~
foto by ANdReA
by Galactic Love Reporter Veronica
“In each life there is a plan that all wish to complete. It may be a carry over from another lifetime or a new endeavor. Each soul has a direction it feels is important to its evolution. Upon entering physical reality, the element of free will enters into the mix.


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image by ANdReA




Brillian Re-Post

Original Posting 10~17~11



This is CMAton of Nebadon, your Sovereign,


Just before starting his evening meditation, I caught this scribe's

attention to take a message instead.


Alot of water has passed under the bridge the last few earthly days,


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The Wild Ride is Almost Over and A New One Is Beginning



~Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac~


image by ANdReA




The Wild Ride is Almost Over and A New One Is Beginning

Original Post 7~19~11 




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~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 16 February 2012 Keep up the Good Work in Spreading the News of Our Coming~


Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 16 February 2012 Keep up the Good Work in Spreading the News of Our Coming~

 We have gently influenced you in ways to bring about greater understandings and to assist in the facilitation of learning and the expansion of your consciousness. We have also been able to detect and monitor negative beings who have been able to influence certain people, and who have been able to detect weaknesses of a particular person and find ways to influence them in this way. Given permission, we of the Galactic Federation of Light will see to it this undue influence abruptly ends, and we have specially trained personnel to deal with these negative beings and remove them from your sphere.
All one needs to do is grant us this permission by stating either out loud or to themselves words such as ‘I command all negative extraterrestrial, negative terrestrial, and negative entities to vacate my personal sphere as well as my surroundings at once and forever’, or any similar declaration in your own words, and we will immediately take action to come to your aid and purify your home, office, or wherever it is you are.


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~ Archangel Metatron ~ The Sirian Nature Of Cats & Dogs



 ~ Archangel Metatron ~ The Sirian Nature Of Cats & Dogs 




by Galactic Love Reporter James Tyberonn ~ 16 February 2012 ~




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Portals - by Galactic Love Reporter Gillian MacBeth-Louthan





image by ANdReA



by Galactic Loce Reporter Gillian MacBeth-Louthan




Artificially created portals that cause rips and tears in the protective  field of earth are becoming more and more rampant, distorting time, and energy. They allow the worlds between to leak and stain each other.


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Pleaidians ~ “Binary Recoding” Has Begun~



Pleaidians ~ “Binary Recoding”

 by Shariq



Audio recording available at www.goldsunhealing.com


Greetings, beloved Humanity.

We are Pleaidian Consciousness transmitting through a frequency and focus that is very aligned with the understandings of the Pleaidian High Council that maps into the Council of 12 that works with your specific sector of the Universe.



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Message from the "team" Future Self



_________ Message from the "team"_________

Future Self
Peggy Black and the 'team'


Digital Art by Will Harader


We are here, ready to support and assist in your personal evolution and awakening. We continue to acknowledge your magnificence as an infinite being of consciousness. We also acknowledge the interesting challenges we observe of your experience of being in physical form within a human body. We continue to acknowledge your incredible courage to take this physical form especially during these times of great and grand upheaval and transformation.

It is from your multidimensional perspective that you can view the realities here on your planet and you see or sense the grand truth. This earth is only one of the playgrounds in the galaxy. Yet as humans your focus is only in your sandbox.



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Uploaded by paradoxman316  16/feb/2012


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Heavenletter #4101 To Stay Afloat in the Ocean




To Stay Afloat in the Ocean


image by megghy.com




Heavenletter #4101 

Published on February 16, 2012

God said:

Everyone does not see eye to eye. Everyone sees through his or her own eyes. And very different things may be seen.

At the same time, everyone carries responsibility for what he sees and how he is seen.

There are understandings and misunderstandings. Everyone intends well. Everyone thinks what he is doing is right or called-for. And no one wants to be interfered with.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Honesty


Live in honour

When you are honest and living your life with integrity, your aura is filled with crystal clear vibrant colours. When you feel balanced, happy and complete, your light shines so bright. It is a glorious sight for those of us who see you as the energetic beings that you are. All of you are sensitive to the energy that surrounds you, you just aren't always aware of it. You just know that you feel better with some people than with others. It is because you feel the purity of their energy. Your angel guidance is to purify your thoughts, words and actions, and live freely with honesty, integrity and compassion.



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~ Meanwhile…Back on 3D Earth the Illusions are Ending…


Meanwhile…Back on 3D Earth the Illusions are Ending…

2012 February 16
Thanks to BZ Riger

By Suzanne Lie

Feb. 13, 2012


I can lovingly maintain my focus on New Earth and the Starship, but my mind cannot remain focused on the third dimensional illusions.


Myriad facts, which I know are half-truths and indoctrinations, slip from my memory. Duties, responsibilities and mundane tasks are becoming so arduous that I can hardly complete them.


Time drifts and moves in and out on its own, while memories that are attached to time phase in and out of my brain.

I know that my Third Dimensional Operating System is being overrided by my multidimensional thinking. With three realities constantly swirling in my mind, I automatically choose to focus on the ones that are the most filled with love and light.



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We Are the Lightworkers… The Torch~Bearers of Humanity in the Shift to The New Earth


We Are the Lightworkers… The Torch~Bearers of Humanity in the Shift to The New Earth


Thanks to Christina




“The souls of people, on their way to Earth-life, pass through a room full of lights; each takes a taper–often only a spark–to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls, by rare fortune, are detained longer–and have time to grab a handful of tapers, which they weave into a torch. These are the torch-bearers of humanity– it’s poets, seers, and saints, who lead and lift the race out of darkness, toward the light. They are the law- givers and saviors, the light-bringers, way-showers and truth -tellers, and without them, humanity would lose its way in the dark.” ~ Plato






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Laura Tyco~Private Message SaLuSa to Me ~


Private Message SaLuSa to Me ~ 15 Feb 2012


Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Laura Tyco


There is a great deal of concern at the moment within the great human soul. Those of you who are awakening, are beginning to realize how easy it is to be one. There are literally no barriers between you by now. You are all within each other’s reach no matter what the distance is. The internet has made it possible for many of you to come together, but also as Ascended Beings, you are beginning to become aware of your own place and role within the universe. You are exploring new possibilities for you individually and also collectively, as part of the bigger picture. You are also beginning to realize the implications of your coming together at this time.



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The MERKABAH Ships of the Ashtar Command by Cmdr Lady Athena


The MERKABAH Ships of the Ashtar Command by Cmdr Lady Athena



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From Starship Athabantian: Everything about You, Humanity, and The Earth is Changing




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Jamye Price ~ Physical Embodiment ~




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