The Galactic Free Press Update: The Ball is Rolling and the Truth is Coming Out!

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Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth



Greetings Love Beings, When We announced that Once the ball got rolling it was going to roll fast and we were not kidden! You can See this energy on the move in the rising protests that are popping up across the Planet with police joining the protesters and the continuing Support for WhistleBlowers and Truth~Love Speakers who are revealing that which has been hidden.  All secrets will be revealed And is Now Underway on All Levels of this Planets vibrational frequencies! As a result multi~tudes of Beings will be now stepping forward.

 Brave WhistleBlower Edward Snowden: “Truth is Coming and It Cannot be Stopped.”

 Quoted from David Icke ".....The People are speaking already ~ we have had enough and the world is going to change....." End of Quote

Truly The Truth is Coming Out and It cannot Be stopped. The New Earth Energies are On the Move! You can See The Signs of this Across the Planet as More of Humanity Gather Together and Begin Standing Up In Love Truly for Themselves and Each Other which is The Reality. We Send all our Love and Energy for the Highest Outcome to Unfold in a Peaceful Way. The People do Have The Real Power and All The Incoming Energy Will Supports this. This Will Become More Self Evident In the Days and Weeks to Come. Its over for the denser energies of fear, pain and suffering. Humanity is Living On a Planet which said no more to the illusion.  Love is not here to Play games, Love is Here as A Symbol of Truth and True Change to Bring In The True Reality where Everyone is In Love, Harmony, and Peace.


Photo by Aimee Marie

Quoted from Wes Annac..."The cabals haven’t wanted us to come together and convene as a collective on the various ways we can assert ourselves, and uproot them with our sheer strength in numbers. The society many of us wish to build will adhere to the ideals of peace, abundance and prosperity for every person. As these are basic ideals that likely resonate with the majority of people on this world, it’s time for us all to unite and stand up for them...We’ve been taught to believe in divisiveness for so long, and this is due to the cabals’ desire to make sure we’re always kept separated, so that we don’t understand our oneness and the massive strength we possess as a collective body. Even they know that if every last one of us stood-up and proclaimed our sovereignty while beginning to build a new society beyond the limitations imposed onto us, they’d be powerless to stop us.

We wouldn’t need to look toward disclosure (though it would likely happen soon after) or a Galactic uprooting of the cabal.... Upon getting truly motivated and working to spread the message of the higher realms to every last person on this Earth, we’ll ignite the full-on spiritual r~evolution that’ll lead to the establishment of our Galactic society. We’ll encourage every person who we’ll help make aware to stand up for themselves and their ordained rights as citizens of this planet and along the way, we’ll continually encourage and reinforce the idea of arising peacefully.... It’s time to set ourselves apart from many of the revolutionaries of our past. It’s time to establish and feed peace on a widespread level, and it’s time for every last one of us to become actively involved in running this Earth. The time has come – and it’s plain to see." End of quote

CORONAL HOLE: A large "coronal hole" has formed in the atmosphere above the sun's northern hemisphere, and it is spewing solar wind into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the UV-dark gap during the early hours of June 19th:

Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to escape. A wide stream of plasma flowing from this particular coronal hole will reach Earth, and brush against our planet's magnetic field, on June 23-24. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on those dates. Aurora alerts: text, voice.






As Humanity stands Up, what was once hidden are now beginning to be revealed! This Moment has Arrived and This Energy momentum will not be dying down anytime Soon. The Highest Visions of Love, called the Golden Age will Really Begin Manifesting quickly Now.

 Quoted from Sal Rachele"....Greetings, Lightworkers, and welcome to another solstice – a time of maximum sunlight for the northern hemisphere and minimal sunlight for the southern hemisphere. Today’s topic is the Apocalypse – the time period we are now living in. This word has been used in religious scriptures, often with frightening connotations. However, it literally means, “the revealing of that which has been hidden.” In other words, it is a precursor to “a new vision of a Golden Age of peace and prosperity.” Reaching the new Golden Age is not going to be easy. God is not going to do everything for us. We must roll up our sleeves and get to work building this new world, because we are co-creators with God, not passive recipients.

Before we can create the world we have all dreamed of, everything that is false and negative must come to the surface of consciousness in order to be healed, forgiven and released. That is what we are seeing in the world today. The recent revelation that government agencies are spying on people in America is one example.

In our personal lives, it means telling the truth more completely and openly, especially with ourselves. We cannot stuff our feelings, or pretend they do not exist, or sooner or later they will be “in our face.”

Purification and cleansing is not easy. In fact, for most of humanity, this is the most difficult time ever experienced on planet Earth. Those that steadfastly refuse to wake up, who ignore the more and more obvious messages that things are out of balance, are the ones who will have the hardest time in the years to come. The systems under which we live are out of balance with the natural laws of the Universe. Our economic systems are based on scarcity and lack, while the Universe is an infinitely abundant place. Therefore, these systems must undergo radical transformation in the years to come, and they will. Whether the transition to a more enlightened way of exchanging goods and services is smooth or rough depends on our state of consciousness. Are we willing to make the necessary changes and go from a mentality of consumerism, to one of responsible stewardship of the Earth? Consumerism is based on the ego perception that we are inadequate and need more and more stuff in order to be okay. This is an illusion, and must, be healed, forgiven and released...." End of quote

Quoted from James Gilliland" .....Now is the time to release the past, heal all wounds and traumas from past experiences, align with soul and spirit and act within Universal Law, Principles and Understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment. Step out of your pain bodies. Forgive yourself and others. Make your own personal God/Creator/Spirit connection and act on the inner guidance. Any guidance of a lower nature will only cause more pain, suffering or loss. Unity consciousness is a wave that is exponentially building. Nothing will stand in its way. It is all about choice and action now choose and act wisely. This will determine your tomorrow. Be well, My mantra is only love shall come to me and through me...." End of Quote

Many through this incoming Solstice Energy will Be Activated and Initiated into The Light On Planet Earth=Heart. Homeward Into the Light We Go, Love is Here and Love Is at the Forefront of this Planet despite outside appearances. You can See the Visible Changes Now appearing all Over the Planet, as The New Earth Energies with The Solstice and The Full SuperMoon Arriving, WOOOHOO...  If your Paying Attention, its All happening and Quickly. These Energies are Preparing us for Big events Unfolding and Many of Us can Feel This. .. Enjoy the Ride! Love is Here!


Quoted from Shanta Gabriel....."You did it! You made it through the wormhole into the Light. There is great rejoicing in the celestial realms as you now enter the new time of Awakening Light. Revel in it. Rejoice in the Light! This is the time when those in the northern hemispheres are basking in more Light than you have ever experienced. Those in the southern hemisphere are also basking in waves of Divine Light streaming from the spiritual realms, even though it is less apparent in their outer world.
So rejoice and again we say rejoice! Use this time! “Make hay while the sun shines!” so says the old farmer’s expression, and it applies to this time in which you live as well. Forward movement is at last upon you and there is great expansiveness in the planetary realms that support your ascension.
Like racehorses at the starting gate, you have been gathering energy all year for this time of movement. With very few exceptions, all are feeling the momentum of great change......Those of you who have been diligently applying yourself to new visions, clarifying your dreams and creating the framework for the new foundations you want in your life, will find your efforts rewarded in this coming time period. The next season, from the Solstice on June 21 to the Equinox on October 21, will give you a preview of the new realities you have been creating on an inner level.
Like the proverbial stars that you are, some of you will be bursting like comets through the skies, blazing the trails for those that follow. Many are feeling a calling within your hearts for new work that fulfills the stirrings of your Soul. This will be your time to bring it forward.....As we have said many times, and the masters of the ages have encouraged, there is only the present moment in which to immerse your true being and manifest the reality you desire. As the power from the Realms of Awakening continues to escalate, you are in an Initiation of Light that will be activated on the Solstice, June 21. This is your time to become aware of the deepest impressions from your Soul where your gifts, talents and the skills you were born with have been housed. On the Solstice activate and empower them, then release these offerings from your Soul to the pure expansive Light of God, Goddess, All That Is
...." End of quote


 Quoted from Christine Mallerise"....The Solstice occurring on June 21st, 2013 is going to be such an event as we are coming more into Oneness with each of you.  This means that the individuals upon the Earthplane that are awakened will be asked to step forward and accept their role in the history of this planet of becoming more involved in light energies to occur...."


Quoted from Lauren C Gorgo " Dearly BE-LOVE-eds…we gather this day to honor each and every choice you have made to unify in accordance with the Law of ONEness.  We bring forth your scepters of sovereignty and ordain each of you into the Christhood.  Through this ceremony of honor, we ask that each of you step forth to receive your accolades.

We are your brothers and sisters from home, we are those who you called forth to assist and to guide you to this very moment and while we have immensely enjoyed watching you grow toward the light of the new sun, our services are needed no longer.   You are the risen ones, praytell.”  -Pleiadian High Council....

.....there are a multitude of LOVE waves coming and those who have moved into unity will finally be able to catch these waves and ride the crests, while those still caught in the illusion of separation will continue to get tumbled around on the ocean floor until all their rough edges are made smooth. Ultimately, we all end up in the same place, via the same currents of energy, its just that those still focused on duality will be at the mercy of the tides whereas those in unity will finally be masters of them.

I am hearing that the last new moon was responsible for bringing us to a new beginning unlike any other (even if we can’t fully feel it yet), mostly because of major planetary players involved….namely Jupiter.  Been hearing a lot of chatter about that big guy lately and how it so interrelated with our emergence as true ones.  And even tho the unseens are wildly enthusiastic about the planets this month, they also make it clear that all the planetary involvement in our changing reality has more to do with our arrival in 5D and less to do with the specific frequencies each of these celestial bodies will bring to the surface of our awareness.

In other words, we are here now…anchoring in the here and now…because of us. And to that they extend a: “job well done comrades!” End of quote


The Visible Signs of the Consciousness raising on the Planet are now Unfolding and cannot be stopped. As a result all will be revealed. We are Getting alot of Assistance for this to Occur and for Peace to Spread across the Planet. The Divine Plan is In Full Activation and trumps all the illusion or denser energies. As we shared In our Last Update, the Energy coming in Currently has Not been Here for Over 13,000 Years. So What is Unfolding is Huge and Historical for this Planet. Love energy does not wait for egos, Love Energy Moves Full Speed Ahead! 5D Here We COME!


Quoted from Jose Sanchez "......It is through the supreme love and absolute truth that I now come to you, to give you a message of love and divine understanding for you and all of humanity. May you all heed my words and follow with the purity of your hearts. I am here to welcome you in to the grand awakening taking place throughout the universe and your gem of a planet known to us as the Pearl of the Sun.

You have as a whole reached a crucial and tipping point in your spiritual evolution ,a tipping point that many have been taken lightly and many have gone unaware of. We know of the trail blazers, the explorers who have been pushing forth and I , We of the Great Alliance of Light acknowledge you and bless you.... We are also aware that many of you are eagerly awaiting for our return and although We haven’t come forth in a way that would satisfy many an ego do know that we are here constantly inspiring you and sending you thoughts of love and light.....Many of our representatives of earth those aware and those unaware are doing a wonderful job of bringing forth the understanding to the rest of humanity and the acceptance of you all, although slow it might seem it is making us proud and in awe of your perseverance despite the seeming lack of connection......You are truly great Gods/Goddesses in training. You are the ones that the supreme creator put, you are the ones capable of bringing change to all of existence, you are the catalysts for great change to creation and the explorers who are uplifting the supreme creator to the next level of his/her being ness. Your dreams and goals are great and you will all be gratified in the days to come. Time for the great awakening is here and time for celebration is upon you......Rejoice for you have all fulfilled your divine plan and now it is a matter of simply changing your perception to see the great changes that have taken place. It is now that you must start enjoying the fruits of your labor." End of quote


Quoted from Earth Ally Ron" I'll bet that before 2012 you never even heard of synchronicity. It's an indicator of the mystical, the unexplainable, the Divine. These are memos from God, or Creator Source that remind us that we are eternal beings of Light and to be in peace. When we raise our awareness / vibrations through embodying these reminders we achieve a state of grace, of equanimity. The whole world can be falling apart right before our eyes and we notice with compassion but do not become part of the drama. From that perspective we become empowered to be most effective healers, rebuilders, helpers, teachers, whatever we came here to do. Everyone who is aware enough to be on this or many other sites like this one[ The Galactic Free Press] is here for a very special reason. No one can do your part in the Divine Plan better than you!" End of quote

Quoted from SanLeoSol "....The Big Event! This is .... Ashtar speaking .... I want to share this message with you because we are almost ready for 'The Big Event', and now no more delay on the way. All preparations have been done and the critical mass of consciousness has been reached. The public opinion about their governments is all time low and a lot of people don't want to be part of the situation anymore: war, so-called-crisis and other created realities. What steps do you have to take? You just have to be patient and prepared. ..... Trust and allow the Light to come, Be in..." End of quote

Victory for the Light Is Occurring.The Signs are Everywhere!

Let there Be Light!

 Photo By Earth Ally Rain~Scene on the evening of June 18, 2013 -
massive Victory of The Light Rainbow in West Ocean City, Maryland!






White Buffalo Calf Born 6~17~13

...A rare white buffalo calf was born Saturday inside Royal Gore Park, which has just seen wildfires destroy 3,218 acres and 52 commercial structures. The calf was named Smokey and was seen by some as a positive sign, reported. In numerous Native American cultures white buffaloes are viewed as spiritually meaningful, the station reported. "The mother had come through a tremendous amount of stress, a lot of heat a lot smoke," siad Mike Bandera, Royal Gorge Park general manager, told "The fact that she came through all of that so nicely [and] had a big healthy calf was somewhat of a miracle."


Quoted from Sheldan Nidle" .....Each passing moment brings the dark cabal closer to its inevitable demise. We watch with compassion as it comes to recognize and grapple with the outcome of its choices: the total collapse of all it has known......The new governance which will succeed the old.... is to explain the master plan for change and the approximate schedule, and some of it is likely to astound even those of you who are most informed. These broadcasts will lead swiftly to a full disclosure of our benevolent existence and our reasons for being here....Heaven watches all this very closely and assures us that you are to shift according to the divine schedule which translates into a specific timeframe. You stand now on the brink of this time as your divine moment is at hand. As you look around you, it behooves you to perceive the immense significance of this most unique and precious moment.

Each day we interact with your dark cabal and wonder at its dogged and seemingly oblivious stance at the prospect of any future change. In truth it is simply doing what the Divine so desires. On the one hand it deeply believes in itself and its invincibility, and on the other, it watches in panic as its many plans are thwarted by the changing conditions thrown up by the collision between its desires and your incoming divine reality. It now recognizes this dichotomy to be untenable as it sees just how close is the collapse of its world, and a sense of doom has overcome the leadership groups as they stare into the face of the unknown. They are starting to see that the invincibility and power they took so for granted are illusions and all the plans they had made ultimately pipe-dreams. Hence their disarray mounts, and their ability to direct the affairs of the world falters and wanes. As their grip weakens, the incoming Light picks up the slack, and now a great shift toward the Light is upon us! Your reality has arrived at what is called ‘its divine shift point..... During the next stage of operations, unprecedented announcements are to be broadcast, accompanied by a grand disbursement of wealth, new governance, and disclosure. Your new governance is to be fully transparent and a true instrument of the Divine. Miracles and wonders will be the order of the day! Take a moment to realize the deep import of what lies in front of you. It is all too easy to underestimate the impact of these events on your emotions, your lives, your neighborhoods, and humanity at large. The seemingly impossible will be rolled out before you, evoking a befitting gratitude and humility from deep within. But feel also the triumph, as all you have envisioned so patiently and for so long at last comes true! This is no time to go into ho-hum mode; it is what all your work and dedication have been focused on. And now your strength and compassion are needed still, as the dark ones go through their trials of accountability and then take their places among you. As you return to full consciousness, all pain and anger will vanish as will the past!...We come at a time of joy and a great shift in your reality. Millennia have been leading up to this moment! You are bearing witness to something very special which most have thought impossible....

We suggest that the time remaining would be useful for reflection: it is important to see what is happening and prepare yourselves for a sacred journey of Truth and Love. You are to interact with those who, long ago, were allowed only indirect access to you as you fell into limited consciousness. Over the ensuing millennia these family members were permitted only a small amount of direct interaction with you. This is now to change, and you will be able to see them over the broadcast media and occasionally in person. You will learn about Love, and that abundance in all things is the nature of the universe. You will learn how to flourish in a world free from want and strife and harsh one-sided rules. You will see how transformed your surface realm becomes! Then, deep within your sacred Mother, you can return to full consciousness and learn about your destiny. We rejoice in all that is happening. This beautiful, changing planet is beginning to express the exuberance and joy of a Being who is moving her inner and her surface realms back into unity. You too are set to receive a wonderful series of gifts from Heaven!...." End of quote


Letter To President Obama from Lightworker. Quoted from Karin Lacy"....We are millions in service of creating the New Earth in the frequency range of the fifth dimension.As Lightworkers we are raising the vibration of the planet through ourselves. In other words, we are living the change that we want to experience in the world.... In my long journey of awakening I have been serving as the ‘lone servant’ by playing the role of the child that tells that the emperor wears no clothes. In other words, once awake, the game is over, you cannot participate anymore for you see the world for what it is: a holographic illusion. I am a sovereign. I follow the paradigm of what a brilliant “Indigo Child” summed up in a poem on one of the discussion boards:

-The government is a reflector of those it governs.

-Those who can govern themselves have no need for government.

-Those who deny their self-sovereignty have a government of tyranny.

-Those who do not want to hear the truth have a government that lies.

-Those who imprison their own wills have a government that reflects the denial of their freedom.

-Those who don’t want to think for themselves have a government that does the thinking for them.

-Those who have no inner unity have a government enforcing separation.

Get it?

il divino

"The Divine" Energy On Planet Earth=Heart

Dear President Obama, if you are of the Light then you agree with me that awakened humans have outgrown the need for government laws. The laws of governments are made by the Leaders & Controllers of the people in order to serve them, not us the people. Once awakened, people are guided from within. We awakened ones follow our innate guidance system that tells us at every moment whether we are connected to Source or disconnected from Source, namely through our emotions. The new world that we are now creating on Earth is a world of self-guided human beings. A connected human is incapable of harming another, for he/she lives with the inner knowing of the interconnection of all things. He/she is rooted in the feeling of Oneness. This is where humanity is heading for. We are going to leave the world of duality behind. We learned everything there was to learn about limitation and separation. We all yearn for home. We who are awake can’t wait for the Great Shift ..... It will be a joyous event of monumental proportion. It may come as a gigantic ripple of relief washing over and through Earth and all her inhabitants and holding us in a state of pure bliss. Ahhh – so be it! What has been hidden must be revealed..." End of quote

Indeed , Their is Definitely an element of Excitement and Love in the Air on Planet Earth=Heart as Alot of Energy Movement is Occurring and Truths are being Pushed to the surfaced to be revealed on many levels. As Anticipated we have entered a Huge Energy Gateway where Many Upgrades, Changes and Transformations are Taking Place.  Energetically Speaking what is Currently unfolding are several big events. You Never know how this Incoming Solstice Energy being released to the Planet after 13,000 years will affect everyone! Either way we are In the Ride of Our Lives Everyone! YEEHAW!

Quoted from Anna Merkaba"  Dear children of light. In a few days of your earth time, there will be a grand event occurring in the sky above your GAIA. The alignment of the planets are going to allow for the sun to increase its energies to be released and sent down to earth, form the cosmos, from the source....and from all that is, in order to improve all of your lives further still. The event that we are referring to is that which you call SUMMER SOLSTICE – And this time it is all about LOVE. Yes indeed dear children of light, having completed one cycle you are now able to breathe easier. Love … eternal, unconditional and pure love of the cosmic rays is going to bask and caress the planet and each and every single one of you on planet earth in the powerful violet light. Love and in its purest form will fill your hearts and allow for much needed cleansing and release for each one of you." End of quote

Decreed by Heaven~This Solstice is a unique energy is being released to the Planet which has been dormant for over 13,000 Years. Many Will Be Initiated Into the Light and The New Earth At this Time for Balanced harmonics Energy On The Surface of Planet Earth=Heart . This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

 Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!


~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


  Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!


  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!


Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!

Total June Donations 1197.77$

Total Goal 3000$

Thank You for sharing


  Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

This Room Remains Open for Support

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

  ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~



" The Higher Grid~Morning discussion before coffee - if the grid aligns and the form is love, then the year will bring numerous moments where we remain in the moment, enjoying the products of our labors, the fruits of our life.  As we look forward to cultivating our food with love - let us look forward to whatever life brings us, in peace and joy, for the longest lighted day of our histories is upon us tomorrow.   Be here today, in the now. lemme_love"

Last Video Update:



Quoted from Sandra Walters"We are speeding through the second half of 2013 and things may feel chaotic or blissful from moment to moment. Use Zero Point to your advantage; breathe, simplify and REmember who you are. Work with integrity, love and peace. Open up to what your journey has to offer; some of us are experiencing pure Source and you can choose to stay there if you want that experience.

Clarity is a skill - utilize your 5D wisdom in every situation. Gratitude to all walking through the Shift with Self-Empowerment, curiosity and divine Unity. There is nothing here but LOVE...


