Generate love for all !!! (a vision from AA Michael and a reminder of an old Kryon Channeling (by David Brown))

Lia's picture

I asked Archangel Michael how to help my beloved ones during these tuff times? And I got this wonderful vision
AA Michael invited me to dance with him on ice we were basically doing a figure skating dance. And each time we make circles while dancing, the ice crumbles beneath our feet and transforms into beautiful white flowers and flew up words (the flowers have the same appearance of the white flowers coming from the big old tree in the movie Avatar).
Then I saw myself dancing alone and more flowers were coming out from the ice and a beautiful music started to play on the background. My beloved ones were kneeling on the ice and absorbing those flowers and at some point an amazing thing happened, a wonderful shining beam of white light went out of their hearts to the sky and I got the message that they are transforming and opening their hearts to LOVE. They were released. Finally they realized what they were looking for …LOVE.

I found an old kryon channelling about Love so I felt it will be a good reminder for all of us and a good training to prepare ourselves for the last sprint.

Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of magnetic service.

It is wonderful to be with you once again. In past lives on the earth plane you have all worked together with the Kryon energy and it is heart-warming to see a group such as yourselves together in this way.

There is much love in this universe but little of it is tapped and used. The human experience is normally to avoid love; to push it away, but the human desire is to be truly filled with love. The human dream is always of love but we know and understand so little about love. Love is the energy that comforts all. Love is the energy that belongs to all. Love is all of you and all the energy in your body be it conscious or unconscious. You are all love and nothing but love. Every aspect of your personality and state of being is love. There are different levels and different settings. Human consciousness has very low settings when it comes to opening up to love. Love is everywhere and love is for all.

Just close your eyes and feel the love, the love that is inside yourself. Let the love that is in your hearts expand. Re-awaken your hearts to a new level of consciousness. Most people on this planet come from unconscious parenting. Conscious parenting is parenting through love whilst unconscious parenting is parenting in the absence of love. Conscious parents love one another. Conscious parents create a safe space for the child, a soft, warm, loving, and secure space. Most children on this planet never receive this kind of love and it is up to you now to create this loving space for them. The colour of a mother's love is pink, soft, gentle and warm. A father's love is powder-blue and is also soft, gentle, warm, caring and fully protective of the child.

So, for a few moments let this beautiful pink love fill your bodies, embrace it for yourselves - this mother's love, this energy of a mother loving you. In this room this night there is mother's love - the pure archetypal loving energy. Where you feel resistance to this energy in your body acknowledge the resistance and let this soft, gentle, nurturing love flow into the resistance and awaken the mother’s love within yourselves. Be aware as it expands through your bodies dissolving and releasing the resistance, which in turn will let you step into a new world. Once you feel safe and secure within this mother’s love, let it flow into your inner mother and inner father and where they were not loved then let the resistance within the inner mother and father dissolve. A mother's love for her child is a level of consciousness. A child that felt absolutely safe and secure in the arms of its mother is a very rare experience on this planet and in the European culture, but it is not unheard of.

So, let this energy of love expand into the resistance in your body - anywhere you find aches and pains. This beautiful love will dissolve the resistance to the opening up of yourselves and you will become soft, gentle and receptive to the Universe. Experience what it would feel like if you had really been loved in an absolutely safe and secure manner by your mother. This energy will bring that gift and also bring a new level of consciousness and understanding to your lives. Resistance to this energy is due to a great deal of mistrust in the inner child, the mistrust of it's own mother. So, just send more and more of this pink love to the child and those aspects of the inner child that mistrust the mother will dissolve and release it's resistance to this love. Let this energy move through your body and connect to Mother Earth through the soles of your feet.

Go deeper and deeper into this space - the space of absolute securing and safety. It will take a while as the energy moves and goes into those dark spaces where there is anger and resentment towards your mother. This energy can cleanse and purify both your base and second chakra. These are the chakras of the inner mother and all insecurity is based in this area of your body. Once you feel safe and grounded on Mother Earth the anxiety of healing your lives will release. If you never experienced this pink love, safety and security in your childhood, then your inner child will be continually sending the message out into the world that "I am not safe, I am not secure, I am anxious, I need to feel safe, I need to feel secure" and the reality that you will create will be one of un-safety and insecurity. Let this energy move into the second and base chakra and dissolve whatever stands in its way; be it self-hatred or pain, loneliness or emptiness, anger or resentment or a combination of them all. If you are a male child see that your mother loves you for being a male child and if a female child, see that your mother loves you for being that female child. There is a strange twist in humanity that causes many problems in peoples’ psychology. It is when a child is born and perhaps the parent is disappointed at the sex of the child. This can be a total "Catch 22” situation if one parent wants a child of one sex and the other wants a child of the opposite sex.

Where this has occurred in your life let this energy move and shift and release. In an event like this you will find yourself suppressing your sexuality. You will find an inner wall within as part of you wants to be masculine and part wants to be feminine. Both parts are un-accepting of the other creating a split in your psychology. If this happened to you in your life, let this energy release and let the split between the masculine and the feminine dissolve and release - let it go. If this happened in your lifetime you will find relationships virtually impossible. There will be anger and resentment towards the opposite sex. What goes on within is reflected on the outside "As above, so below - as within, so without". If your mother wanted a boy and gave birth to a girl or she wanted a girl and got a boy, then let that energy release and use this pink love, this true archetypal mothers’ energy.

All manner of illnesses are created through this phenomenon - cancer, heart problems, and eating disorders. Many dysfunctional occurrences happen as a result of this. Release the energy in your base and second chakra and let it go. Dear ones, your guides are at your feet in awe and honour and with total respect of the work that you are doing and the work that you have already done on yourselves. You have all come a long way in this lifetime. What you feel you cannot handle, hand over to your guides and let them help you to release the energy, the blockage that lies within your base and second chakra. This dear ones, is mass consciousness being dissolved, one person at a time.

The true archetypal father energy, the energy of powder-blue love and the energy of protection of his family is the energy of holding mother and child in a place of absolute security and safety. It is the energy of clothing, feeding and providing, of ensuring that the mother's and child's needs are met so that they can be fulfilled. Should a mother have to step into the father’s role then the child is left alone and feels abandoned and rejected. A father should always be there to hold the space of safety and security for the mother and child.

Let this love enter your bodies, this powder-blue love. Let it cleanse and purify your energy system and clear whatever is in your base and second chakra. As we bring this energy of powder-blue light into your base and second chakra, there will be a merging of the pink and blue and the colour will be violet - a violet flame. This is what is created when mother and father truly achieve this. This is the process which will give you a true inner mother and father and a true working relationship with them. Until this violet flame burns away all the old negative energies of the old age and the old way of parenting, you will not bring children into a safe world. If you do not parent yourself first and give yourself what you want in your life to fulfil your needs, then it is not time to have children. You may be able to have children but they will be as dysfunctional in their life as you are in your own.

The merging of the inner mother and father will allow these energies to dissolve and clear and the purple flame will burn through your body and rid it of what is not true, what stops you from having a loving relationship with the person that you admire, your soul mate or your twin flame, but most of all with yourself. There is only one relationship that really counts on the earth plane and that is the relationship with yourself.

If the relationship with yourself is good, your relationship with the planet will also be good - what goes on on the inside goes on on the outside. Let these beautiful pink and powder-blue energies merge and create the violet energy that burns away and transforms. Let it heal the split that is mass consciousness, the split between the masculine and feminine that is the misunderstanding between man and woman. As your energies get clearer and clearer allow for a merging of the masculine or feminine energies within yourself and let love expand through your body. Love is a state of being, just being who you want to be. So, be your dream, the feeling of your dream or be the feeling of that beautiful relationship you're always dreaming of and create that energy in your body.

Dear ones, this is where we anchor into the earth the energies of successful relationships. This work has already been done in the masculine energies of Switzerland and it is being anchored into the earth in Switzerland. In Cape Town, the feminine centre of the earth, this work is being anchored at the moment. These two centres will once again connect - the beautiful feminine energies of Cape Town merging with the powerful masculine energies of Switzerland to create a whole new world and understanding of relationships.

Let your dreams come true. Let that love and understanding of a relationship that works come into your body. Perhaps for you the relationship that you choose will be like a dance, a dance with spirit, with the two energies of the masculine and feminine moving together to create a world that you and your partner wish and dream about. Acknowledge in your bodies where the blockage is for this is a major blockage in all people - a lack of understanding in how to relate. The secrets of relationships are hidden in the base and second chakra. By letting your resistance expand, you will be creating a whole new world for yourself, a world in which you will relate well to men and women, to abundance, to nature and to the universe itself where co-creation is possible and can be complete with ease. All acts of creation come from the merging of the masculine and feminine energies.

So, let love flow through your bodies and give permission for the powder-blue and the beautiful pink love to teach you to be receptive and to receive the gifts that wait for you - in every dream there are many gifts. Your dream would not be such if it were not for the fears holding it in place. So, be aware of the fears that stand in the way of your dream and face each one - let these three beautiful energies the pink, powder-blue and violet flames dissolve the fears of love, of relationships, of intimacy and the fear of not meeting the right person. Let the resistance expand and as it does so, it will surely dissolve.

This is the first time that the powder-blue and pink energies have been experienced in this way on the earth plane for this is the new age. This is the new way of relating. Only when a child has strong and stable parents -who truly love one another - can a child flourish and grow. A child can expand into the universe with confidence and love, treating all with respect and understanding and in so doing, being respected and understood itself. The journey to reclaim the inner child is most important in the consciousness of man. One of the main steps in ensuring that your child becomes conscious in this way, is for the inner mother and father to love one another, relate to one another and hold that safe space for the child. As your inner mother and father become stronger and more powerful, they become soft and gentle. Those aspects of the inner child that are so deeply wounded feel no fear in returning to your heart, that place they left many years ago, fragmented, dissipated and shattered across the Universe.

As the energy in your body softens and becomes more receptive and you feel strong and more powerful, let those aspects of the child that were frightened before, return to your heart now. Those aspects of the child that were fragmented in the early years of your life will no longer create a reality requiring being healed. Those aspects will all return to you. When your inner mother and father are in a wholesome, loving relationship they will hold the space for your magical child to return. Your magical child is that aspect of you that knows every single thing that there is to know about this Universe. The time is coming when that magical child will return to each and every human being where there is true knowledge and understanding of what a human being really is.

So, for those in the room who are ready to receive their magical child, let the child come to you. For those of you who are not ready, go to your magical child wherever they are to be found in the Universe. Let your magical child speak to you and advise you. At the same time let love flow into your heart and as it fills, let it expand into the Universe, then let it return, allowing yourself to expand more and more into who you were meant to be.

Dear ones, this is your world and your world is your creation. As the fragmented aspects of your inner child return to your heart, you will become stronger and more powerful and be able to create the reality of your own choosing - a reality of true love, true joy, true freedom, true expression, a reality where relationships between men and women are possible and out of the merging of masculine and feminine, you will dream dreams that you were never ever able to imagine before.

Go well and God Bless for this is Kryon signing out.
