geniune inquires lead to geniune discoveries.

hilarionra's picture

so the use of an anti gay image, and the banning of gay marriage
is an outrage to those who "are gay". Yet its okay for their to
be adoption agencies for these "gay couples" so that they can
raise a child of their own right? Meanwhile theyre failing to
see that it takes 2 straight couples who arent truly in love
to even have a child in the first place, for the manifestation
of an adoption agency to even be in place on the planet.

i know im not the only one who sees the point being missed here
by those who feed their ego, in turn actually believe that theyre
gay in the first place, and the fact that theyre truly devoid
of living a truly loving life in the first place, yet meanwhile
they tot around how theyre in love and thats its okay to be gay
because hey look around man, theres a lot of gay's on this planet
and we all support each other woo woo! go gay pride all the way!

what ive noticed is that when you even speak against someone who
lives that lifestyle, they show their intolerance towards you
in return for you showing your intolerance, yet meanwhile if you
tell them that theyre actually acting out a conditioned reactive
unconscious response from identifying with their ego, that from
where they sit with you saying this, they get completely irate
with you, and ask how dare you ? who are you to judge? and so on.
its from their selective awareness, that they fail to even see
what exactly you just pointed out.

what they also tend to lean on, as a means of defending their behavior
is the fact that even the misunderstanding straights, and bisexuals
also support this behavior, heck even beings who are in the know,
like joe biden and obama for example, support gay rights, yet
simuleantously, they also support the ruling of admiralty law
amongst the population that bans gay marriage here, and supports
it there. whats also being not seen is their support for the
welfare state, unemployment, and single parents, even parents
who have to go through death of their partner because theyre
partner was selected to go to war and gets killed. which in turn
supports the "war on terrorism" which is directly linked to " the
war on drugs" which supports the age old slogan, that if you want
peace, prepare for war.

im also aware that a lot of this is controversial, and not everyone
enjoys talking about it, the reason ive noticed that this is from,
is because of the fact that they identify with their unconscious
reactive conditioned responses towards themselves, and others, all life
in general. this in turn motivates them to further continue their own
experience of self delusion and attempt to negate their impulse to
any geniune self inquiry in regards to why their having such a hard
time in life period. what i also see is them being totally complacent
yet toting around that they arent if you bring it to their attention.
which again is just them identifying with their ego, and its all out
attempt to keep itself in tact through the beings unconsciousness.
what i also see is again them becoming totally riled up bothered,
intolerance, shutting down, running away , and trying to hide
from this information in all totality, which is exactly what the ego
does, thrives on conflict to keep itself in tact.

this also ties into the spiritual circles on the planet, those who
arent fully conscious, yet continue to try try try to get there
over and over and over again, toting who loving they are, yet
simultaneously truly spewing their own unconscious desires not only
in words, but in action as well. "keep it positive , keep out the negative"
which is not only superiority, but also self delusion, and even these
beings get upset and may even tell you to get lost, if you tell them this.
remember, theyre know it alls about everything, so you do not have the right
to question them at all, all you have to choose when it comes to being
with them, is the right to obey, and the right to disregard your own
rights as a human being. The right to obey, and disregard your own rights
as a human being is literally the same excuse that those who proclaim to
be gay, or bisexual, or straight and not truly in love, tot around also.

same with the " i believe this, but i dont believe any of that" a belief
is a belief, is a belief, is a belief, and all beliefs = attachment to
a specific experience, always centered on a comfort zone. it also keeps
the egoic center in tact, through conflict with what others have to say
about how they feel and what they see about this as well.this also
comes to drug use, any kind of substance abuse = irresponsible period.
in order to upkeep with the egoic center, there are always excuses
made to cover up the unconscious reactive conditioned behavior therein.
anytime these points are addressed, what is usually, in all cases, pertaining
to the beings who are 100% in identification witht heir ego, totally unwilling
to actually learn, and inquire into whats being said about themselves, they
act out of anger, rage, repressed emotions and so on.

this comes to the fact that they never had the motivation nor the knowing
given to them from god, to geniuenly inquire into what real love is.
so being gentle with these beings is always advised. there comes to a time when
no matter what words you speak, they will become angered by your presence, even
if you arent around them at all for most of the day, even if they say HEY!
how are your day this and that. toting around positivity doesnt mean that they
got it. thats just them being devoid of the truth at hand, even if you dont
speak at all, they will still emanate their misunderstandings of the truth
and always be willing to turn to measures that involve threats (which keep the
ego in tact) which do involve being arrested , not eating, being kicked out,
the list of the responses is actually pretty broad at this moment, but gradually
its being dwindled down. now i know that during the process of having
read this material, these words are being studied, not only for your own gain
and for the potential impulse to share this information, but also to see
and inquire where it is im getting all this from and about me in general.

if its not a geniune inquiry about me, its always about using it to threaten
the being in one way or another, and these threats ALWAYS stem from the desire
to fulfill the ego, selfish gain. contradictions in statements and actions
are okay, i say this because ive taken a look at what contradictions did for me.
they gave birth within me, to the impulse to geniunely inquire into my own
feelings about myself and life as it is, for eternity.i myself have no problem
with speaking in contradictions whatsoever, infact i rather enjoy them. another
subject thats still taboo and made fun of due to lack of understanding, is
reincarnation. yet its true we do this, but not EVERYONE does this. i dont know
all that much about it, so i can only touch base on it, i cant write up a full
chapter book on it at the moment, but in due time , if im able to, like ive said
before, i will if i have the oppourtunity to do so. id also like to point out
that it takes a geniune inquiry into ones self, to discover who they were in the past
and how it all correlates into your current incarnation and all your actions
and your desires,impulses, motivations. it also gives birth to how you can apply
this knowledge to your current incarnation as well. geniune inquires do not
require effort at all , they just require an absolute willingness, a desire
to look within, and feel your way through all your feelings, thoughts, and so on.

its not a "trying" experience, its an experience in which you have a constant nurturing
"go ahead" with your willingness to learn about yourself forever and how you can
apply yourself in daily situations, to not only uplift yourself, but all life as well.
id also like to point out that none of this information will be good enough
as it is to the ego, whether its spelling, or just touching base with specific data
in general, or even having a paragraph of data in regards to specific data also.
neither will building a bookcase , buying books, making awesome food, going for walks
or graduating high school and the other 10,000 things that the ego will look at
to satisfy its endless hunger, for fullfillment with anything period. this correlates
entirely to try to keep your fantasies going, your delusions of reality and yourself,
which also correlates to ones desire to seek to harm another person in any way
shape and or form, because of what they did to you and or another, which always
does include you, making the statement " this doesnt involve you" absolutely
irrelevant. pointing this stuff out with those who have no desire to truly learn
about themselves, will again use all that youve talked about, against you
like a corrupt lawyer,judge, police officer, politician , psychologist or psychiatrist.
again to fullfill their egoic center. there is an upside to all this though,
and not talking about ap ositive upside either, because you cant have positive without
negative, and neither of those are what they are, without nirvana being in the center
of the beings experience where those two polarities merge into one where the masculine
and feminine are also found as well.

the benefits of knowing this information , = "knowledge is power". not power over,
but power with, same as lao tzu's statement of " there is strength in knowledge
of ignorance." and it also correlates to "doing unto others as they have done unto you."
however, im not that fond of that last one, because of the connotatiosn associated with
it. IE someone killed my mother, so now im going to kill you." what i resonate with
is what lao tzu stated in the tao te ching. " treat a good man good, and a bad man good"
this also applies to girls, as well. why i resonate with that, is because i feel that
the only means in which a person deserves to die, is from natural brain occurences...
the slow degeneration, or in between, or the rather quick degeneration of the cells.
for me, thats what i feel the only reason why ap erson should even die at all. not
because someone felt the need to fullfill their egoic center and take revenge out of
the ego's desire to hold and fullfill its grudge against another person for their actions
since theyre not coming from a place of conscious unity at all, but from the core of
"this is between me and this person, and no one else" which again is a delusion.
i know tihs correlates to our current unfolding situation(s) on this planet, in regards
to the cabal , or the illuminati. I disagree with the "galactic codex" that ive stumbled
across, that provides both truth and disinfo, towards anyone who reads them.

the one that really stood out for me was "the beings will be brought to the galactic courts
for processing, to be reducated in ethics, if they are unable to learn ethics, they will
be brought to the central core and their essence destroyed." THAT, first off, i dont have
all the awareness to dissect that statement word for word and give you a finely tuned
databank of how its truth and disinfo, but i can tell you right now , that , even the mere
mention of "destroying ones essence" its ego. everyone on this planet has the equal
ability to learn the coding that is ethics. its nestled in the absolute core of every
being. its also not hard at all to learn it either. it just takes a geniune willingness
to learn about it, in order to live it day to day, forever. id also like to say that
the members of the cabal, themselves, are not stupid, or ignorant to their own essence.
they know full well what theyre doing, and how to go about the use of fear tactics
and the NWO agenda. calling them stupid and so on , is just another way of slandering
them, to get a good laugh at yourself, in the long run, because of you yourself
calling them stupid, in turn you calling yourself stupid too.

this comes to what sathya sai baba said. life is a game, play it. life is a challenge
meet it. the challenge that we must meet is the fact that were currently playing a game
where some are pawns, and so on, like chess. the more aware you are, the more able
you are to play the game better. its with this knowledge, that there is the challenge
we face in our current day to day lives, of living in a place that was totted around to be
land of the free, home of the brave. home of the brave yes, even at the unconscious level,
land of the free? yes even at the level of knowing we live with a dictatorship everywhere
we go on the planet, some more dictatorial than others, but none the less, its a dictatorship.
this comes down to what the dalai lama said, and im not quoting exactly...................
he said that not only can you find the ultimate source of true peace  and happiness from
within , but you can also live a completely fulfilling life, through the acceptance of the fact
that we all live with limitations at every turn, both within us, and around us.

this is also what siddartha was speaking about when he said that life is suffering,
what siddartha meant by that, was that living forever in these bubbles that surround each being
and living with a set of guidelines at every turn, and not understanding why they are there
is what causes our suffering period. this again brings us back to what the dalai lama said
about everlasting peace and happiness, just like jesus, stated, can be found within, where
as the buddhists say" nirvana is located" in the heart center, like james gilliland said
where the soul resides, on our chest, where the heart chakra is located. suffering ends
when you understand why its there in the first place, in turn you become totally willing
to learn from it, and from this willingness from within you, the consistance impulse of
being in joy of your experience as it is, arises from. you may not be happy with the suffering
at first, which is how it was for everyone in the beginning anyway, but from the geniune
desire to be with the suffering as it is, you transcend it. through this transcendence
of suffering, arises the consistence impulse from the subtle to the obvious, of being in joy
of the experience, as it is. in turn one locates the ultimate, everlasting source
of true peace and happiness, which resides within them. id also like to point out
that being aware of this core, helps when you are in a situation of upheaval, both within
and around you. its from this source, that the manifestation of heaven on earth will also
be had.


Sai Baba

grailheart magi's picture

I am so glad to know Sai Baba said that life is a game.... thanks!


Dear Heart,

I would just like to suggest that all the mental round a bouts you are taking to find answers or simply ask them is just that - mental. From a feminine aspect into 5D these things are daily losing their importance to even discuss. Please, I am not speaking these words to chastise you... this is THE main part to shift.   Not so much about ego.... from my standpoint I haven't heard anyone here on the press really state what ego is.... 

but the shift from male to female must include a transfer of energy from the mind to creation. Not that men haven't created... they created from mind.  The feminine is now being asked to create from the heart.  It has been such a long time since men have given credit to women for even being alive!  And now this shift is needing some urgency to make this shift.  


See if you can move your energy from head to heart.  Allow some tears to flow in the process.

