Good Evening, Good Tidings and Good Vibrations!

ckelly2291's picture

Hello! I hope all is well with you, especially with these intense vibrations going on around the Earth right now.


Wow! Personally, I am seeing my spiritual development accelerate at a rate that I could only imagine previously. It is really beautiful to see and I thank Creator, Gaia, The Angels, My Higher Self, My Guides, and all Positive beings of Love and Light for this wonderful time.


Yesterday, I bought 5 books on various Ascension subjects and I had planned on reading them one-by-one through this week. Little did I know I had already done what was necessary for the two of them already, one would turn into more of a reference and positivity book to look at from time to time, and I'd only actually have a desire to fully read two of them!


In a conversation with Hilarion previously he told me about how he was past looking at numerology & various other subjects. I had kind of been taken aback by this previously, but now I understand what he meant. It is important for us to look at what interests us about this whole process, but as each of us goes through it there will be times when some things just don't need to be explained or examined again.


For me, this is past lives and overall, the past. I have a high connection to Atlantis, Egypt, Andromeda (according to a Akarshic reading), and a few other places. I had intended to look back on these lives to try to figure things out about them. However, I discovered to my pleasure, I don't even need to! Simply thinking about those times just gives me confirmation in my mind " like ancient egypt......move on, you've been here before".


It really is about being in the NOW, and being present. I am learning this slowly but surely (or is it quickly? what is time anyway? haha), and it is a beautiful lesson to learn. Today I also discovered that my visualization techniques and abilities are very well developed, but I had just not been using them!


I was doing a meditation on grounding and I noticed that I was feeling my whole body grounded and energetic almost immediately as I started, and I didn't need to go through the slow pace the person talking was doing. It is kind of nice, because it has freed me up to really become more interested in meditating much more than I have been (sadly I have been neglecting it for a while....), by downloading music for background and nature sounds. I notice these help me a lot more than guided meditations, and maybe you are the same way!


Anyway, I just wanted to send some positivity, Love and Light to you all, and I hope all of you are having an interesting and fun time navigating these waters toward our Ascension and reuniting with our Galactic bretheren. Until next time, Love, Light, Peace, Tranquility, Harmoney and above all MORE LOVE!! to you all!


Lovely Share!

drmoe's picture

So simple and honest, like having a conversation with a friend.  Straight from the Heart - no curves.


Thank You