Healings,Self-Love and The Angelic presence in your own Life

Lia's picture

I felt drawn to write, a little on my findings and experiences of a gradual process of discovery.

I have worked and studied many healing methodolgies an used varying tecniques over many years.  The topic and findings I have discovered through self development and working with many types of clients through teaching Students, to working on people's bodies and within their Auric field has been such a revelation to my work also with the Angelic Realms.

We often are not aware of how we Think........   Thought from one moment to another and how our inner dialogue can affect our lives.  The Universe does not differentiate negatives to positve so if we are constantly telling ourselves, how awful, or I am not good, oh I don't feel well.............

This always happens to me.............................   I am tired.....................................................

All negatives, so it is important to cotton on how we think of ourselves, most people do not like themselves, or feel good enough.  So there is a need to focus on the heart Chakras you can work with Archangel Raphael and draw upon his irridescent Green ray.  Call upon him usually manifestion occurs in 3's.  Light a candle and create a sacred space, or Alter and dedicate this as your area where all your prayers and dedications will occur. You can use Insence to cleanse, and Invoke Raphaels to join you, begin to breath in gently, calm the mind. Breath should be drawn in slowly to a ratio of 1-7 counts, hold the breath for 7 and on the out breath focus on letting go of all lower vibrations, allow your thoughts to recall when some-one has created you to feel not good enough, or unvalued, forgive each one not only in this life but your Intentions can be for all time, all space, all Dimensions, all incarnations where ever your signature has resided. Then ask for All Thoughts, words, deeds and Actions to be forgiven and healing breathing in raphaels green energies filling your heart center and in turn  surrounding the whole body and auric layers too. As you proceed now this may take a good hour so be a one and then draw in Divine diamond white light from your celestial body which is above the crown around one arms length and connect with this portal and draw the light down to filter into the heart to replenish and enfold you in love.

How often have you spoke to your heart.....?  honest now.  Have you said with hand on heart. I love you...... I will listen   and place yourself within  a Pink Rose the Essence of the Pink rose Ray A Divine loving embrace that is within the 5th heart chamber.

When I have worked on some people and because I am able to see into where I am healing at times.  I on occasion have pulled out negative energies which can look like dense black smog, or one lady I recall i was working over here Third eye, now fear will creat blocks within the energy field, and her healing was obvious as when the energy had surfaced and began to subside it was like smokey grey tuffs, now this clearnace neables a chakra to work properely.

many people are not aware of the chakras and how to clear their bodies and a good healing practice like Reiki, Shamballa, Crystal healing (can not be done daily) This would bring a greater response to healing and open their spiritual sight, etc.   'Open your eyes an you shall see'   open your ears and you will hear.  If you are filled with emotional blocks, anger, resentment,regret, not Loving the self because of self created barriers because of pain, then you need to seek healings, or work on you, to really clear, which may take time.  this will then free you to absorb the light more and more and allow love to enter and heal.

Then all will see Angels, Sentient Beings and most of all be happy cause the Angelic beings are  Light, humerous and love to share in happy gatherings too.  life is supposed to be a blessing and not to be hurried to meet heaven as some seem to think.  Everything is here now Be love and Give love.  Turn anger into Love




Your article

Guest's picture

Dearest Jan Marie, I have been tracking, following, pinning down, what is the difference in what "just happens" and whether or not it was co-directed by our thoughts, words, actions, feelings, which of course are creator of our attitude.


In becoming more and more alert to "syncronisities" before I came onto the computer for this day, I and a very close friend that we go way back were in rehersal of the very topics that you just blogged about! We were litterally coving in some relivence of it, every topic you are on.


And you placed it in print from an obvious well infromed back ground. You are an "excellent read" and I apprieciate the time you spent to bring me this power packed message/reminder.


I Love you, I AM you, I AM That I AM