Health Benefits of Artichokes by Organic Facts

Andrea Green's picture

Artichokes are a versatile food, and although some would consider them a vegetable, they are actually an unusual variety of thistle! For nutritional purposes, they are primarily consumed due their associated benefits of protecting against various forms of cancer, bolstering immune system strength, lowering cholesterol, and protect against diseases such as diabetes, artherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Artichokes have also long been famous for detoxifying the body and improving the health of the liver, and aiding in digestive issues like indigestion, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and diarrhea. Furthermore, this miraculous little thistle can reduce blood pressure, eliminate hangovers, and stimulate urination.

Artichokes are known in their natural form as cardoon, and their scientific classification is Cynara cardunculus, and it is native to the Mediterranean region, which is primarily why artichokes play such a major part of their cuisine on a number of levels. Artichokes can be found throughout Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas, but they are less frequently encountered in Asian nations.

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