Help To Stop The Agency That Wants To Exterminate Our Wildlife

Ra-Raela's picture
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The US government agency called Wildlife Services is spending our tax dollars to recklessly kill up to 1.5 million native animals each year, all in the interests of Big Agribusiness.

Please sign the petition today!
Wildlife Services: Stop Your Needless Animal Slaughters!

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Dear Carolin, 

The USDA's Wildlife Services is contributing to the decline of our nation's gray wolves, black bears, foxes, and other endangered species. Without oversight or public knowledge, many of these killings are in violation of our environmental laws. 

Ask USDA's Secretary Tom Vilsack to investigate the Wildlife Service's animal killings!

Clear rules and more transparency are needed to stop Wildlife Services from eliminating millions of animals without cause. These native species help maintain healthy ecosystems, and their recovery is a crucial part of our nation's conservation efforts. Yet, these animal killings done in favor of Big Agribusiness continue to go unchecked.

Let's protect our native wildlife and environment - call on Secretary Vilsack to help stop this rogue wildlife-killing agency! 


Thank you for taking action,

Roseanne C.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

