Holding On for The Ride

MitziLove's picture

Wow! Energies are pretty darn intense for this girl right about NOW!! I haven't slept a wink ;)
Just when you think everything's almost cleared up..(and it certainly feels that it should be) and things are smooth sailing...BAM!!

Here it comes... more "old stuff" that MUST go. Things came up for my twin and me that demanded immediate attention. After going through a roller coaster ride of emotions, ego came out in all her glory. She' going down kickin' and screamin'.

After what seemed to be "days" of seemingly being "stuck" in my head, I finally simmered my thoughts and emotions long enough to ask for help from the higher realms. Yes! The persistant last remnants of my stubborn ego was trying a last attempt to make me "forget" who I AM yet again! Just DIE already! :) In an instant, a mere "thought", those beautiful radiant beings came to my rescue immediately! I was engulfed in stillness. Serenity. Where ALL answers(and questions) reside. And there it was... There I was. Yeah... I re-member. :)

I spent some time there where my team assured me all is as it should be and not to fight it, just FEEL it, and LET IT GO! These are fear based emotions that I had always managed to escape the pain from over the years. My ego always found a "way around it." It was necessary for me to experience them to clear our karma. (Havent we done enough of that already? :)

Without a doubt this wouldn't be possible without my twin, who mirrors me and me him in perfect divine harmony. My reflection, my light in the darkness of the world-ME. Through his eyes I see when my own are weary. We certainly wouldn't know this much about ourselves(self) without the other. How grateful I AM for this wondrous journey. Ahhhhhhh..... Smooth sailing from here on?? Who knows. It's definitely a ride. Shew!! I am fully prepared and childishly excited for what's to come. I AM grateful for every beautiful moment of it.

All clear.
Rest now? I think so...




Giiiiirrrlll, I could written

TruthBeTold's picture

Giiiiirrrlll, I could written this myself!  Thank you for sharing!  I tell ya, watching this within ourselves & seeing it in everyone around us as well can be AMAZING, am i right?! Gratefully, we know what's going on, but like you said, we still get stuck in that ego head space & then... wowzers. That whole confined-to-the-process is part of the journey, but I get frustrated w/myself nonetheless sometimes. When I can stay in my lightbody & just observe, it's all "good, neato, yay", and those times are certainly more often than not for us, but then there's the "other times". Guess the sweet is much sweeter w/ the sour for contrast, huh :o)

Yes! What's important is that

MitziLove's picture

Yes! What's important is that we continue to remain aware if what's happening with complete detachment. That's insurance that we'll come out on the light side. :)

Keep shining!
LOVE to you!!