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ho'oponopono - ho oponopono - hooponopono

a way to solve problems


Ho'oponopono (Ho oponopono, Hooponopono) is a process for solving problems. But ho'oponopono does more than just solve problems - it's a means for getting aligned with existence. This might sound complicated or "out there" and maybe it is, but ho'oponopono isn't necessarily easy to put into a neat little package. The truth is, ho'oponopono is both simple and complex. Most important of all, ho'oponopono (ho oponopono, hooponopono) is a big help.
it's all about you


If you were looking for the key aspect of ho'oponopono, it's probably this: everything comes from you. Within ho'oponopono this is often referred to as 100% responsibility, and it means that every problem you experience is happening because of you. It's a safe bet that ho'oponopono wasn't intended to win popularity contests, because telling someone they are responsible for every problem that's experienced is a sure way to meet up with some strong resistance and also rejection.

Though it is often held up as a virtue, individual responsibility is almost never meant to convey absolute individual responsibility. In fact, some people who are heavily into the idea of responsibility will place blame on others very quickly. This may seem completely reasonable to these people and to many others too; but placing blame like this is in opposition to the ho'oponopono (ho oponopono, hooponopono) belief system. In ho'oponopono the problem is never with someone else - it's in you.

responsibility of ho'oponopono


Can a person not accept 100% responsibility and still practice the ho'oponopono method? Yes. But the belief here is that seeing circumstances as being caused by external events, while at the same trying to use ho'oponopono, is neutralizing the method's effects. You simply can't apply ho'oponopono in full, and probably not even close to full, if you're looking external for causes. Responsibility is too key to how ho'oponopono works.

For those who might reject ho'oponopono 100% responsibility, it may help to know that 100% responsibility in ho'oponopono (ho oponopono, hooponopono) is not the same as blame. You don't need to blame yourself for problems - just know that problems you experience are there for you to resolve.

getting to the issue


Putting ho'oponopono into practice is not difficult, though it can take discipline. Problems are going to come up, and maybe even come up a lot. The way to resolve problems with ho'oponopono is to use ho'oponopono and to keep using it. This might feel burdensome to some people, but sticking to it ultimately brings about problem resolution and an enhanced life experience overall. The results from using ho'oponopono on a consistent basis can be quite incredible. So how to use ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono can be applied through different processes. Mentally saying 'I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you' is a ho'oponopono process. Drinking what's referred to as blue solar water -- tap water poured into a blue glass bottle and set in the sun or under a non fluorescent light for an hour or more -- is considered to be a ho'oponopono (ho oponopono, hooponopono) process. The key to these and any other ho'oponopono process is consistent application. The more you put ho'oponopono to use, the more you can experience life changing results.

