How am I not Myself?

yourgypsysoul's picture

If I had to pick a theme of my introspection lately it's pretty much been "How am I not myself?" and that's what I'm going to write about today. I've never fit in much. I've typically been shy, quiet and introverted although that's changed A LOT over the past few years. It's changed the most since I've been able to connect with other like-minded people.


Today, in a meeting at work someone made a comment and said that she thought I would be pretty good at sucking up. At the time, I sort of smiled and shrugged it off while inside of me I wasn't quite sure how to feel. Should I feel offended? Is it a bad thing that people look at me like that? Do a majority of my peers see me that way? I suppose, though, I already have the answer to the last question.


I worked at a ice cream shop in high school (my favorite job hands down. and not just because of endless ice cream. I wish I could be a soda jerk forever...) Anyway, one my coworkers was a cute boy who ended up telling me one day that I tried too hard. Not the same comment, but similar. And you know what, he was right. I did try too hard. I didn't feel like I fit in and therefore I couldn't accept my true nature. I didn't want to be the weird girl so I made every effort possible to try and fit in with the cool crowd. I knew I was different. I thought that it was wrong so I shunned that part of me.


I remember going to the store when I was little and just wondering why everything cost money. I didn't get it! Why couldn't everyone just take what they needed and leave the extra for others? Yes, I was a socialist in my preschool years. Of course that was all buried once I got to school and got "programmed". (IT DIDN'T WORK! I AM AWAKE!)


All throughout school I had a burning desire to fit in and of course whatever I tried, it didn't work. College came around and I still had no idea who I was. I surrounded myself with peers who had stronger personalities instead of working on developing myself. My mom actually was the one who pointed this out. I had been doing it my whole life. My best friends and boyfriends had all had, for the most part, very controlling personalities. I had no strong foundation for myself, so I relied on others for that foundation and kind of went with the flow. This turned into failing grades, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem and -confidence.


Fast forward to current times. Last night someone told me they felt like I had the maturity level of a 40 year old. That meant a lot. I'm not kidding! For me, it validated that I have a good handle on myself, that I know who I am and what I stand for and if that makes me a suck up because I believe in being nice then so be it.


I'm a Lover, not a fighter. I believe in choosing Love in each and every situation. I believe in forgiveness, but I will no longer let anyone take advantage of that. I believe in truth, honesty and loyalty because that is the basis of a good relationship. I believe in peace and equality. For all. I believe in God, but I don't believe in religion. I believe that every person has these same core values, they've just been buried due to the pressures of our society. Who knows, your smile could bring this out in someone!

I don't try so hard anymore, now that I know who I am. I like who I am. I forgive my mistakes. If there's a part of me that someone else doesn't like I don't try and change it anymore. This is who I really am and if you don't like it, I don't particularly care!


On a side note, I had a different meeting with a co-worker earlier in the week. He is going back to get his MBA and the topic of our current work was brought up and he asked what I wanted to do (as it was mentioned that we didn't want to be at this position forever) and I couldn't bring myself to say it. Given the chance to do it all over though, I'd sing it to the world.


I am Rachel. I am awake and I am a Lightworker.

I have a lot of exciting things in the works. I hope to have some very exciting announcements around the new year :)




Bonnie Smith's picture

Wow girlfriend. You just told the story of my life. Blessings to you dear. And keep us all posted about your adventures. I'm not quite there yet with communicating. But I sure did enjoy your post. Thank you.

Bonnie Smith


yourgypsysoul's picture

Blessings to you as well. Wishing you the best of journeys. It makes me joyous that others are able to relate. Love & Light <3