How to Bring Your Life into a Rhythm of Effortlessness and Flow

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HJ: Flow and effortlessness is a result of choosing the path of least resistance.  That doesn’t mean choosing an easy path, per se, but to choose a path that has the least internal FEELING of resistance.  This is your unique path of flow.  Follow the feeling and it will lead you to great places.

- Truth

A Brief Guide to Effortless Action

By Manal Ghosain | One With Now


Can you remember a time in your life when you got lost in what you were doing? You lost track of time, had no sense of where you were, you were fully immersed in the experience.

When you were done, you felt exhilarated, yet calm. You finished what you were doing without struggle. You didn’t have to force yourself to focus, or to stay in one place. You didn’t even think about it. You were in the zone. It just happened.
