How to Make Sex and Love Gel - The Connection Between Sexuality and Spirituality By Sataya Capet

Andrea Green's picture

Believe it or not, there is a strong connection between spirituality and sexuality. Both bring ecstasy and are not mutually exclusive. One of the most important aspects of your spiritual evolution is the path of sexual energy when used in the right way. This would be with love and caring, not your latest conquest from the bar last night.

Several of my clients have asked "how can I raise my vibration? How can I reach the highest levels of awareness?" The good news is, sex is one of those paths. Ask anyone who has awakened their Kundalini fire. Many spiritual practitioners have managed to raise the Kundalini, and it can be raised by meditation over many years of discipline. However, all one needs is the right partner, the right energy, the right mind set and raising the Kundalini a higher state of consciousness can be realized.




samtheman's picture

I have had a strong spirutal awekning this last years. But I had not have sex for 8 years. I just did not find the moment or the lust to do it. Feels like it was meant to be.

Love all serve all in eternety.


dwonisland's picture

Hello... A good hearted friend posted on fb this link to Galactic Free Press after readind the article. I viewed your comment and noticed your name... which is also a deep soul name I was givin. This is the first time I have seen it elsewhere, kinda makes me curious & so I joined... to write you.    Be well ;) write back I would like to hear your thoughts &  meaning of the name to you... 



AdolfoGiurfa's picture

Sex energy develops two ways: One, to the outside, generating a Baby, or inwardly, building up a soul.

Separation of charges generates attraction between Anode and Cathode, but only when there is a separation in between them there is POWER, then this energy can increase and most probably crystalize. BUT, this not one way or the other, not a choice for either one. Energy should flow naturally and in a healthy way. Blessed are who found their exact counterpart as their reunion in the act of love is a creation of a universe.