How Psychic Are You?

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By John Holland

We are all born with psychic ability. It’s quite natural. Some people call it ‘intuition,’ while others prefer to say they’re ‘extra sensitive.’ As a soul, we have what I like to refer to as our ‘soul senses.’ In other words, it’s when people just feel when something’s right or wrong.

It’s not just limited to feeling, as some people may see images, while others will trust that little voice they hear inside their mind. This natural soul ability is not purely limited to those transcended masters, or to people who have devoted a lifetime of studying and practicing meditation. It’s not about fortune telling, crystal balls, or predicting the future – it’s one of the most natural resources that you can tap into at almost any time!

To be intuitive or psychic is not just something we possess. It’s not like a piece of software you can just download – it’s more a way of being.
