I Ran Into Myself -Part 2

Anonymous's picture

I Ran Into Myself -Part 2



by Glactic Love Reporter Boo Walker


13 March, 2012
So yesterday was filled with wonderful surprises, deeper understandings, and of course even more mysteries!
When merging with my Higher Self, I was presented with the image of a paper envelope with about 1/4 of the opening available for me to climb into. Then nothing. I waited and listened and was finally reassured that everything is as it should be. In my evening meditations last night I learned that my Higher Self has what we would consider primarily masculine traits. The time was right for us to join, to help balance our two selves in both feminine and masculine energies (which delighted my Gemini heart to no end!) So it would appear that I am my own Twin Flame :)
Now my Higher Self (now known as "me")can continue the path of ascension with vigor and balance! It's exhilerating to be even slightly aware of this occurring simultaneously on several planes. It was very tempting last night to fly away and leave all of this behind, but I grounded myself instead. I made a vow to be here at this time and I've got work to do -glorious work!!  
Imagine my delight when I woke up this morning and read the message from Ute, "Message From My God-Self (4): The Process Of Deification".  http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/message-my-god-self-4-...
It really helped clarify the larger picture of my own personal multi-layer merging! With such a quantum leap in the last 36 hours, I'm going to lay low today and get acclimated. I don't quite feel like I touch the ground yet when I walk.


I Ran Into Myself 2

Doreen Smith's picture

Hi Boo!!! I'm so happy you shared your experience finding your twin flame...I'm Gemini as well...An organized scatter brain at times (for there's always so much to learn and do) and then there's the laundry!!! LOL...

I too have been searching for my twin flame..someone to complete me...I'm learning now we are our own twin flame...We complete ourselves! How profound is that!! Wow! I'm so thankful we have so many wonderful brothere and sistars, like you, who share their hearts here on GFP and elsewhere so we can have understanding and be part of the miraculous Ascension taking place right now...Masters, all of us, within ourself...We just need to recognize ourself as you did yesterday..How sweet is that?!


I love that we're living in this most wonderful time in humanity...There's so much I'm learning, but, as yet, find it hard to put into words.. I paint instead...To me, it seems I paint future events in my life so I can continue learning what this Ascension is all about..


Anyway, doors are opening every day..I know we must pray for courage to go on and through those doors...portals to expanded consciousness..I love that..We are so blessed.. Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to You and ALL! NOW! :) <3

Multiple Gemini blessings to

Boo Walker's picture

Multiple Gemini blessings to you Happyneerod! I laughed when I read the part about so much to do and then there's the laundry LOL! So true. I think that's a special challenge for us -to stay grounded in the mundane world while feeding our soaring hearts. It sounds like you're doing just fine. We may not always know exactly where we're going, but we are resilient!

I'm absolutely THRILLED to be going through this time in history with you.

Love and Light~