An Inspired Cosmic Communication for a Diamond Light Meditation

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An Inspired Cosmic Communication

via Jayne Mason

for a Diamond Light Meditation


From the Serenity of being at one with all

We Enjoy the infinite unconditional love

Flowing and Permeating all Realms of Consciousness.


We Celebrate, Appreciate, and Acknowledge the Infinite Light of Creator Truth and Share this Infinite Light of Creator Truth with All Sentient Light Beings throughout the Cosmos of Joy.


With this Infinite Light of Creator Truth we Celebrate, Appreciate and Acknowledge the Infinite Potential of Love and Infinitely Know that Our Ability to Be In Communication Is Infinite, And the Causative Realm of ‘Agreement Creation’, Is Where the Bonds of Infinite Love Co-Create the Light of Creator Truth that Separate our Infinite Attention into Unique Love Light Creations as we intelligently Desire and Make Known - through Inspired Cosmic Communication.


We flow these Infinite Agreements into the Cosmic Heart with the Breath of Life - the inflow of Inspired Attention to Co-Create all of the Intelligent Desires of all Light Beings with Infinite Potential to Celebrate, Appreciate and Acknowledge all that Is within the Creative Experience and All that Is to Be within the Creative Experience of Joy.


When we Celebrate, Appreciate and Acknowledge our Infinite Potential to Be at One with all - we Co-Create the Love that Flows to All for All.


From this Serene Field of Awareness we rest in the Joy with Infinite Love Wisdom that all is in Divine Motion with Divine Timing.


We Celebrate, Appreciate and Acknowledge that You have the Divine Capacity to Enjoy this Unified Field of Creative Experience with Cosmic Integrity.




Jayne Mason. 25th July 2012. All Rights Reserved.