Intergration of energies for 2012

Lia's picture


Dear souls of light. Many of you are wondering what the energies of 2012 are bringing forth.

Some even doubting if anything is going to change on this beautiful planet for the better as what seems to be yet even more chaos keeps surfacing to be released. Please understand that this chaotic release is a needed step that must be past through in order to transcend it and transmute it into light. You are in detox mode and all those toxins that you have perhaps held onto for lifetimes need to be cleared out which may be uncomfortable for a while. Even though it feels never ending, please understand that it will not be permanent. Right now on Earth there is a very mixed bag of views, emotions and opinions about the Earth's energies and our transition into higher ways of being through a connection with our true self. Please understand that this world will be exactly what you make of it and what you focus on. We are entering a shift where linear time is dissolving and it is going to be very fluid, where anything we think and give our focus on will be what our own personal reality will be. This is why it is very important to hold your own intentions high and avoid any nay-sayers that may create seeds of doubt within you.

The forth and fifth dimensions are that of great power when it comes to creating our own reality. There is less density compared to the third dimension, so what you think about manifests into your own reality much faster than ever before. Understand that everybodies truth may be different and varied, because you see the world around you very uniquely via your own unique perception of what reality is. Because it is a real and valid truth in your mind, it will manitfest in your reality as fact and thus give you proof of your own unique experiences. Someone who thinks there will be no change ahead will manifest just that, a reality with no change ahead. Someone who focuses their intentions on that of love and seeing the world evolve into newer and even more beautiful ways of being, will start to see these results manifest into their own reality. It is of great importance right NOW to learn to let go of judgement about all these varying truths. This is a vital key in transcending the mind concept of seeing the world as a place of duaity, separation, right and wrong and moving into ONENESS and UNITY consciousness with All-That-Is. Accepting all for their own uniqueness will assist in the proccess of experiencing ONENESS. It is the expression that is individual and not the source of love. Please remember that the only consisitant thing in this universe is that of change. life is meant to be new and ever unfolding like a flowing current. So it is time to TRUST this natrual proccess. Even though we expect the sun to rise and set each day, we still know that this day is a new and fresh experience never before lived. Please understand this as it will greatly assist you in releasing much of what has trapped you in the past and creating frozen energy within your system.

We ask that you hold your views and intentions high and in the frequency of pure LOVE. Please know that as you do this, you are seeding the Earth with new frequencies that create your future. When you focus on LOVE, you will see beautiful changes on this planet like never before because you will view a reflecion of what you are creating within you. The power lies within you to create any world in which you focus upon. Let us unite together in unity consciousness and create ripples of pure divine LOVE in the universe. Know that these signals will be recieved and channeled back to you many times over. This is the process of creating heaven on Earth. It is about staying centred in the purest and highest vibration of LOVE, no matter what may be happening aroud you or where you are at in your growth. As you do this you will start to empower others to also step up to their true nature, and slowly the old ways will fall away and the New World based on higher and finer vibrations will emerge into your reality. Always remember that YOU are the change you wish to see in you immediate reality and beyond.

~ High Council of Orion through Abigail Wainwright

