It’s 2 a.m. on one of those nights when sleep won’t come because I can’t seem to get my mind into neutral

Lia's picture

“ . . .”

Ann Kreilkamp "On the morning after a (rare) full night’s sleep, I discover a post that pretty much sums up my own comprehension of the range of interpretation available to those who “foresee” the near (and far) future as well as the direction I personally have chosen to steer through the roiling currents of feeling and intuition that crash through like tsunamis."

The 4th Dimensional Kali Yuga Blues

November 13, 2012

Its 2:00 a.m. on one of those nights when sleep won’t come because I can’t seem to get my mind into neutral.  Foremost in my thoughts is my daughter who lives just downwind from Fukushima, and why she won’t leave.  Outside in the darkness I can hear the rain falling, like the unseen killer in a horror movie it is bringingFukushima radiation and chemtrail toxins right to my own doorstep as well.  My mind leaps from thought to thought like a stone skipping over a still pond, with each thought being one more thing that is horribly wrong with this world we live in, the collective splashes leading to an inescapable conclusion that is neither pretty or desired.

I spend more time than I should trying to keep abreast of things in this rapidly changing world, probably why nights like this one happen.  I should know better by now.  The sheer amount of information is literally staggering, and I’ve been following it for most of my adult life.  The thing about this much raw information is that it becomes useless fast unless you can place it into some kind of tangible context, not at all unlike a giant jigsaw puzzle.  As with the jigsaw analogy, in real life you simply don’t need for every piece to fall into place before you’re able to make out just what the picture is…we’re there now, and to quote the late Warren Zevon, “It ain’t that pretty at all.”

An entire section of the puzzle that we can see is quite clear now, including at least seven divergent sources all indicating that this year’s winter solstice will be something monumental.  First of course is the now famous Mayan calendar, which I believe denotes the end of one great age and the beginning of a new cycle of “time”.  Next there is the Hopi prophesy which likewise speaks of humanity entering “the fifth world” and the omens heralding the time of arrival.  Next is the Hindu Kali Yuga, written about in the Buddhist astronomical manuscript “Surya-Siddhanta” and described as the final age of man.(1)  Then there is the Egyptian timecode, also carved in stone which predicted the various water disasters from 2004 till now and suggests that humanity will be decimated by the “river of fire.” The Bible contains many detailed accounts of “the Apocalypse” which many believe describe exactly the times we now live in.  Can it only be coincidence that our nearest star, the sun, is entering the most active & violent phase of the last eleven years at the same time everything else is happening?  Both the Mayans and Nostradamus spoke of fire in the sky as the harbinger of ultimate doom, and that’s just what we have with coronal mass ejections and massive flares from our sun.  I mentioned Nostradamus because so many of his quatrains seem to describe apocalyptic scenarios for this general time, even though he never wrote about December 21, 2012 specifically. Then of course there is the amazing work of the late Terrance McKenna who created the time-wave theory which independently of other sources mentioned here, also denoted Dec. 21, 2012 as the time when everything ends, so to speak.  Can you have an ending without also having a beginning…?

So, here we have these various people trying to send us a message down through time that something very big and important will happen on the winter solstice this year.  Many are now awakening to the reality unfolding around us, but many, many more remain asleep in the illusion of separation.  I see humanity as standing on the threshold of a dream, preparing to take that next step in the evolution of our species.  I also see the trans-human agenda with its matrix of pacification technologies attempting to prevent humanity from reaching that threshold of evolution, preferring us all as their slaves instead.

Just ahead is a crossroads where the current path divides into two roads, one leads to destiny, (service to others) the other to destitution. (service to self) (2) I believe that the coming winter solstice is when we must finally choose which road we will take as an individual; it is after all, our free will to choose, and if you don’t choose, someone else will do it for you…and believe me you don’t want that.

Those who willingly follow the road to destitution the powers that be are so eagerly herding us onto have it easy, all they have to do is nothing.  However for those who would break away and head down the road to destiny, the work can be both difficult and at times painful, because simply put there’s no room for all our baggage.  The baggage of old traumas and tragedies will only serve to anchor you to the reality you seek escape from, so let them go, bless, then release them as they do not serve your highest good, they never did!  Ya gotta ‘get skinny’ by raising your vibration because the doorway to evolution is narrow by design.(3)

As if the cumulative effect of all that’s going on in the world doesn’t give us enough cognitive dissonance; there is something else happening which makes things harder, and that is our transition thru the 4th dimension, toward the fifth.  In this context the word dimension relates to frequency and resonance, as in higher and lower octaves.  Anyway by now I think it’s a safe assumption that “we ain’t in Kansas anymore.”  If we are to travel the road of destiny, which by definition means raising our vibration to that of the fifth dimension, we must first drop everything about us which is incompatible with that resonance…all those old trappings of 3rd dimensional life as we knew it such as intolerance, greed, hatred and violence.  That’s what the fourth dimensions is all about; it’s an energetic environment conducive to change on the hurry-up, but of relatively short duration compared to the time humanity spent in third dimensional vibration.  Is everything going too fast for you nowadays?  Do you sometimes feel nearly overwhelmed? Are changes coming to your life faster than you can adjust to them?  These are all earmarks of the 4th dimension…accelerated change.  When you weren’t looking someone slipped the treadmill into sprint mode, welcome to 4D.  Buckle up!

Going thru the 4D weight loss program can force us to get into shape, especially knowing what awaits down the road not chosen as an added incentive.  You may have to break old habits which on the surface seem harmless until you apply the universal law about energy following thought, because that’s how we manifest things into our reality.  You’ll want to monitor your own thoughts throughout the day, and see what they show you about where energy is following them to.  I believe the universe re-arranges itself to accommodate our picture of reality.  The universe can show us our highest aspirations or deepest fears depending upon where we choose to focus that energy into manifestation.  You cannot expect to wake up in a 5D reality if your time is being spent monitoring the death throes of a dying 3rd dimensional paradigm you once lived in. An excellent example of this is the survivalist-prepper movement.  Here you have good, well meaning people trying their best to prepare for a dystopian apocalypse by stockpiling food, weapons and ammo with which to defend their family.  They spend copious amounts of time thinking & planning out various scenarios…in other words they spend all their energy and time ensuring that all of the horrible things they fear will manifest as surely as a dog responding to his master’s call.  Their thoughts and intention literally lock them into the unwanted reality.

The powers that be are heavily invested in keeping us in fear, and locked into that low, muddy, negative 3rd dimension frequency of the survivalist; and their favorite weapon of mass distraction is TV, movies & media.  Who wouldn’t slip into fear after watching TV shows like Revolution, where the power grid is taken down & the government fails, or The Walking Dead, about the ultimate zombie apocalypse…then there is the re-make of Red Dawn hitting theaters next week.  They seek to program us to live in fear, don’t buy the snake oil, break free into a vaster reality.

Its time for each of us individually to dream the future into being rather than just waiting to see what “they”  have planned for us.  Everything seems to come down to conscious intent or the lack of it.  As always, it’s a choice, one each of us must make, or not – according to our preference. I’m thinking of an old axiom I first heard many years ago, “Never feed a negative thought your energy, starve it out.”  Great advice for the times we find ourselves living in.

The hour grows late now as the unrelenting rain hammers my window with renewed intensity, Mother Nature adding her own punctuation to this whirlwind of thoughts and emotions depriving me of sleep this night.  As my head again falls onto pillow I will not anticipate sleep thinking of the coming horrors I wish to avoid, but rather what a fifth dimensional reality will look, sound, and feel like.  Then later, I shall dream the future I wish to see.  There is room for us all !

Until next time, be good to each other….



Much of the trouble you had

Aaron Asphar's picture

Much of the trouble you had this night was a consequence of your compassion, but please see this: everything, everything that is unfolding is for the highest good. Surrender to that. Be greatful for that (as per recent channeling from Gabrial). You can afford, now, to say - enough! I'm going to live now and enjoy every moment regardless of this chaos. In this way you transmute fear/anxiety into excitement. This, I find, is more powerful and easier than visualizing, but 'horses for courses' as they say. I hope you are feeling better after this cathartic, enjoyable write-up, for which I thank you very much. xxx