Lia's picture

January-07-2012 was an Extraordinary Day...Multiple Sightings of high altitude Glowing ORBs..Were caught on videotape over San Antonio,Texas...

Jan-07-2012 was a perfect day for Skywatching in San Antonio,Tx...This day began As i was sitting under my porch facing west..I notice a high altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..I crabbed my camera for a closer observation..Three Glowing Orbs could be observed..This first sighting lasted for several mins..The next few Hours was followed by these High altitude flying UFO ORBs..This video is a part of these Events As they Happend..

First Sighting took place at 12:13 am: Three Glowing Ufo Orbs filmed traveling East..
Second Sighting took place 1:34 pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Third Sighting took place at 2:08 pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Fourth Sighting took place at 4:54pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Fifth Sighting took place at 5:08pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
These ORBs are clearly not aircrafts/ or weather ballons.



Doreen Smith's picture

I'm glad this guy took these videos...I just wish he would have stepped off the porch and away from the house LOL..
These videos are great proof of the uncloaking taking place now worldwide. Even in the daylight.. It makes me sad to see people are still ridiculing others, even when there's proof in hand...but, alas...I know, and you know, the time is coming soon for our brothers and sisters to set foot on this planet...I can hardly wait...I just want to run up and hug all of our beautiful family....Much peace, love and light, EVERYWHERE!! <3 :) NOW!


Doreen Smith's picture

I'm glad this guy took these videos...I just wish he would have stepped off the porch and away from the house LOL..
These videos are great proof of the uncloaking taking place now worldwide. Even in the daylight.. It makes me sad to see people are still ridiculing others, even when there's proof in hand...but, alas...I know, and you know, the time is coming soon for our brothers and sisters to set foot on this planet...I can hardly wait...I just want to run up and hug all of our beautiful family....Much peace, love and light, EVERYWHERE!! <3 :) NOW!