Jennifer Hoffman – Archangel Uriel – You Invite Your Teachers – 16 October 2012

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Jennifer Hoffman – Archangel Uriel – You Invite Your Teachers – 16 October 2012

Your soul embraces a human path for the purpose of ascending energy into higher frequencies. The karmic path can be viewed as your soul’s work in the third dimension, to shift energies and create an energetic space for ascension.  Ascension is not a single point or time when all of humanity is in agreement and ready. It is the free will choice to move energy into higher dimensions of being. The movement into ascension is made through your teachers, whom you invite to participate in ascension with you. Some of these are invitations you have forgotten or regret, but it is through them that you achieve ascension.

It is by your invitation that your teachers are present in your life. They have come to assist you in healing the fears, limitations, beliefs, emotions, frequencies and experiences that represent the density you have embodied within your emotional, physical, and etheric bodies. Their participation is essential because it is through them that your energetic imprints are mirrored back to you. All of your emotional experiences are presented to you through your teachers so you know what you can heal to allow your ascension to occur.

While your teachers can present a wide array of experiences to you, it is the most challenging ones that you connect with because these are areas of greatest density and disconnection. The anger, resentment, frustration, doubt or confusion you feel around them exist because the frequencies they mirror are out of alignment with your soul’s desire to bring you back into the wholeness of your divine blueprint. It is through your teachers that you have access to the mirrors you require for your illumination and learning. Your teachers are your mirrors for healing, and you are not a victim unless you choose to embody that energy.

Your teachers hold the energetic space for your healing and wholeness by mirroring all areas of disconnection and misalignment. While you may tempted to criticize, condemn and judge them, ask instead why you invited them. As you intend to align with your highest energies, you also invite teachers who will show you where you are out of integrity with this intention. Use their presence to do your healing and this will release you and them from your shared soul agreement. Then you, and they, are free to ascend into higher dimensions. Bless and appreciate your teachers, thank them for their presence and for responding to your invitation to be your mirror of healing, illumination, transformation and ascension.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All Rights Reserved. You may copy, quote, translate or repost this article in its entirety by including the author name and a working link back to this website. link to original article

