Joe Weaver ~ The Turning Of The Tide Is Happening

glr_Andrea's picture

Joe Weaver ~ The Turning Of The Tide Is Happening


Posted on April 8, 2012 by GLR 

Many things have happened over the last few months. The turning of the tide is happening! Can you feel it? Balance is coming into existence! Some of you have been connected in with these changes for several years while there are many of you now just beginning to awaken to the changes at hand. The one thing to keep in mind with these changes is that this is not a race and there are no winners or losers. We are all walking through this transformational period of time together. The more we individually realize and integrate this truth, the more we will be at peace and balance within our own selves.

Over the coming days and months more and more of the truth about the real workings of this reality will become more known. Some of this information will be shocking for some, because the information that will be presented will go against peoples long held belief systems and perceptual views of reality. However this is a choice we all have. Are our structures and perceptual views of reality flexible and fluid like? How do we react when we are presented with situations and information that we have not been presented with before? Is our first reaction to such situations with fear or calmness and peace? These are the keys to being at one with change. It is how well we adapt and stay at peace and balance within ourselves when we are faced with change. The more we hold onto our beliefs, long held patterns and attachments, the harder it is to adapt easily with change.

How we collectively move through the coming days and months will depend greatly on how well we react to change together. We as individuals will have the choice to be a part of the drama and fear or assist others in releasing the drama and fear. To be the role models for peace and balance. Everyone will be putting to use what they have learned to this point in their lives. To truly live from our hearts instead of from our minds. Opening up our lines of communication and speaking with one another about our experiences will assist greatly. Such as being a resource to others and sharing your own experience of how you have released fear from your life. Talking with friends, family and others who may be having a difficult time with understanding what is happening. Opening our hearts to a greater degree and being patient and compassionate with others as what has been hidden is revealed. : )

This is our choice. What lies within the unknown space for which you perceive? Fear or love? If the fear is released the truth will be revealed.

I am honored to be here with all of you during this exciting time on Earth!

Love zapps to all! : )





Future Revelations

Guest's picture

Lets get on with it then because I am tired of the same endless talk where nothing happens