John Smallman The Sex of God

Lia's picture

January 22nd 2012. (But always up to date!)

From time to time people comment on the fact that Saul always refers to God as Him or He and suggest that to refer to “Him” and “He” always is to be offensive, wrong, insensitive, and disrespectful of women.

God, Love, Spirituality, who we truly are, is NOT about sex or sexual differences, which are part of the limitations that we imposed on ourselves when we chose to experience life in the illusion as humans; and nor is this blog. It is about the fact that we are all One, lost in the illusion, and that we are engaged in the process of finding our way Home to God, to Completion, to returning to our original state of infinite Love, of infinite Wisdom, of infinite Knowledge; of rediscovering ourselves, regardless of our sex, as the essential parts of All That Is that we truly are. In God there is NO separation.

We, everyone of us humans here in the illusion, males, females, gays, and lesbians, are all ONE, and we are also One with God Who is All That Is. Even though, here in our illusory environment, we appear to be separate individuals with our own individual agendas, needs, desires, and problems, struggling to survive in a hostile environment where it seems that to trust is to invite disaster.

To focus on the aspect of our self that is either male, or female, or gay, or lesbian is to focus on incompleteness, because in truth each one of us, while embodied in the illusion and having a genitally defined physical human form, has both male and female characteristics to enable us to empathize with and understand each other, and to be complete in ourselves (although it appears that the majority of us seek completion in a relationship with another). Needless to say some of us are better at this than others, which is another aspect of the severe limitations that the illusion places on us, but by our own choice. We are each responsible for how we choose to experience our life as a human. We can choose to focus on the pain and suffering, or we can choose to focus on finding our way Home.

To focus on the inadequacies and problems of the illusion, and there are indeed vast quantities of those, is to distract ourselves from our life’s work of finding our true Self which is as an inseparable part of God. The messages that Saul offers so lovingly, are offered to all who wish to hear, and are purely to help us with the only task that matters: awakening into Reality. To do that, he tells us, we must focus on the Light that is within us, placed there by God at the moment of our apparent separation from Him, to ensure that we would never really be lost. When we engage with life in ways that are loving and compassionate, and accept the fact that we are divinely loved in every moment, we are then able to find that Light within us which will lead us home. And then our fixation on the sexual identity of God becomes totally immaterial, because He is infinitely beyond identity. He just Is . . .

It seems to me that the issue of human sexuality, let alone the sexuality of God, has become an enormous diversionary distraction over which even wars can be fought. God IS Love. Love IS our nature, and that is where we should be focusing our attention.

With love, John.

