Kate A. Spreckley: Energy Report for February 2013

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Tuesday, 5 February, 2013


Know that you are most decidedly on track, despite the sense that life, as you know it, often seems to be derailed. For radical change is the order of the day in these times. This level of change is experienced by everyone and everything in your physical world.” — Oneness through



In the final days of 2012 a new energetic structure took shape within the planet profoundly changing everything and greatly advancing our evolutionary growth and development.  All of humanity moved through energetic gateways that indicated the final thrust needed to fully disengage from previously established patterns, structures and beliefs.  Our solar system is now pulsing with new light, which is supporting this new planetary structure and creating a new configuration of energies.  This new configuration is bursting with potential and its formation ensures our collective, individual and planetary transformation.

Humanity has been moving through a seemingly chaotic evolutionary process. Through this process the human Spirit has been prepared to fully embrace a new level of expanded consciousness.  Much of 2012 prepared you for a new way of thinking and living that integrates your heart, mind, body, Soul and Spirit. This preparation was designed to support your awakening process and thus enable you to access a new paradigm based in Unity / Christ Consciousness.  This new paradigm is triggering the breakdown and dissolution of the old structures which contained humanity’s consciousness for thousands of years.  Everything is changing inspiring an evolutionary leap the likes of which has never been seen before!

A new paradigm is emerging, which advances our individual consciousness beyond the old structures, boundaries and beliefs. This is causing the very fabric of society to crumble as both the collective and individual consciousness of humanity transition into new expanded levels of awareness.  Many are coming home to their true state of consciousness, a consciousness based in compassion and Divine love. Many more Souls are awakening to remember who they are and why they are here.  Many will begin to re-examine their lives and make life altering choices that reflect these transformative times.

As you stand within the dust caused by the destruction of the old, new Divine energy is flowing through you to dissolve the walls between you and your true Divine nature.  As this process continues the energetic patterns, beliefs and boundaries that were previously established will dissipate, dissolving the distortions and illusions of the past.  Your energy field will expand beyond the debris to reconnect you with the Divine in a new and different way, which will reunite your Spirit with your Soul, heart, mind and body.  Your DNA will be activated raising your vibration and enabling you to consciously choose the reality in which you wish to exist.

As you learn to function within the new energetic structure you will be required to focus on gaining self mastery by aligning your open heart with your mind, body, Spirit and Soul.  This alignment will enable you to manifest your Spiritual strength within the physical world thus enabling you to move into Unity Consciousness.  A greater awareness of your true self will emerge to bring to the surface of your consciousness the wisdom of your Spirit.  Parts of your Soul, which have lain dormant for thousands of years will be activated, creating a cleansing and the reconnecting and reconfiguring of your physical body within your Spiritual body.  This will encourage new ways of thinking, being and living which integrates the body, mind, heart, Soul and Spirit.

Your energy field is opening to a new awareness which is encouraging your energetic system to move and function in a new and different way.  Your energy field will open to this new awareness and the resulting movement will cause a clearing and detoxing process with the usual detox symptoms.  Focus on balancing your ph levels, your energy centres and keep hydrated as water is an essential part of shifting your energy and keeping the flow moving.

You will most certainly feel different and feelings of being overwhelmed, vulnerable and exposed may be experienced.  Your energetic environment has changed and therefore you are having to adjust to this new environment.  All your energy bodies are altering and expanding and if you are sensitive to energy you may feel lots of energetic movement in and around your physical body.

The seeds of true Spiritual integration lie in 2013.  You will be initiated into a higher path of Cosmic evolution where you will be required to harness all aspects of yourself.  You can no longer play victim to your fears and must move away from bondage and into balance and communion with the world at large.  As you align with the resonance of your heart, you will cut through the veils of illusion that have masked conventional reality and thus access a new vision from the depths of your heart.

All situations, experiences and conditions arising now are in need of rapid transformation.  Trust what is being revealed at this time.   Embrace your fears, your doubts and your unintegrated aspects.  Let your Divine light shine into the darker regions of your inner self.  Avoid getting lost in judgement and illusion.  Acknowledge your unseen thoughts and emotions and recognise that they have an affect of the world around you.  Call up your anger, frustration, jealousies and hostility and allow those emotions and feelings to be healed.  Release them and trust that all blocked emotions, pain and old wounds are being transformed into feelings of love, devotion and compassion by the love and light of the Divine Creator.

With this healing a rebalancing will occur enabling you to grow into your wisdom and gain faith and trust in your Spirit.  The wisdom of your Divine essence will invite you inward towards an ever deepening connection with all that is.  The gates to your inner sanctuary will break open to reveal your innate wisdom, intuition, gifts of Spirit and Divine purpose.  As you open your eyes to the wonder around you and see everything as an extension of the Divine, your entire energetic system will flow in harmony with your Divine purpose, allowing your destiny to unfold before you to reveal surprising and unexpected paths to follow.

Now is the time to actually live from expanded levels of consciousness so that your daily life reflects your increased awareness.  By consciously directing your energies into expressions of creativity and harmony you are putting your truth into practice, walking your talk, which will ultimately change the nature of your Earthly existence. This will afford you a different perspective which will ultimately prevent more suffering.  By building your Spiritual strength within the physical world new ways of being will be revealed that will ask that you know yourself, be clear about who you are and who you want to be so that whatever you wish to create reflects the truth of you.  You will be required to learn to speak and live your truth to the best of your ability.  To recognise now that you have the ability to consciously choose your level of awareness.  Follow what feels most meaningful to you, what makes you feel most alive and connected to the Divine to create a kinder, gentler and more profound world for future generations.

This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2010 Kate Ann Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za
