Kauilapele's Blog: A Jumbling… And the 666

Lia's picture

Posted on 2012/08/19


Okay, this is not a “what is going on in the daily life and trials and tribulations of the KP” blog. And I’m not about blogging like it’s some teen diary or Facebook page (although I admire those “teens” (whether 16 or 61 or 161) “brave” and awakened enough to write a diary or journal as part of their spiritual journey).


But there’s stuff that comes through each of us that will often “relate” to other one’s stuff. Especially for helping us to get out of their own lower “stuff”.


And today my “stuff” was a sense of being all jumbled around. Like having all my “stuff” tossed into pot and somebody shaking that pot back and forth and up and down.

Part of it’s come from having visitors at our house for a few days and feeling I was being “encouraged” to claim my personal space (and I did!). Part has to do with this interview coming up on The Light Agenda. And having to write a bio and actually go back in time a bit and look at stuff I really haven’t done for a long while. I’ve never written a “bio” before.


Part of it has to do with lots of music related things, like putting together a new web page and getting mp3s together and making sure everything works like I want it to and then correcting each and every little bit that doesn’t work the way I wanted.

And so on and on…


And then, late last night, I’m looking at another site and somewhere in there popped up, “666″. And I knew there was a message there. So this morning I checked out my “Angel Numbers 101″ book, and it said what’s in the photo above.

“Your thoughts are too focused on material illusions. Raise your thoughts spiritually to get your life back on track.”


Of course. Simple.

So now I go off to “do” a bit of spiritual thought-lifting and see where all this goes.

Aloha, KP.




666=6 protons 6 electrons 6

World-Bridger's picture

666=6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons = the carbon that makes up the physical body..


We are in the process of ascension, this is done through Love=u. Those still clinging to the old way in thought and action are missing out on this process.


We are moving out of this carbon based body, this is done through Love and willful surrender to the Source of all Life for Loves sake, for the glory of the Oneness "GOD" of which we are.