Larry Larson ~ Twelve ~Twelve Insight Journal ~ Feel Your Way

Lia's picture

globe-with-handsGuest: Why is it that I wait and wait for a job offer to come up, and then suddenly I have three of them? That happens with other things too.

Well, it’s like we were discussing with energy plans. You cannot keep up with what you have created in thought vibration with just your actions. It’s like letting a tiger out of its cage and then tying to return it by grabbing the tail. Once you are creating with source energy, you have to keep doing it. Keep visioning. Keep feeling your way through the energy field that surrounds all of your physical existence and pay less attention to just the physical forms.

So each of those jobs has an energy signature to it, a vibrational license to exist. That energy signature will tell your inner being exactly what it’s all about, even though the surface appearance of it may say something quite different. You have to retreat into your inner calm for the answer, because your ego is going to get excited by the physical appearance. Your ego cannot see the energy signature at all.

So the way to sort this out is to go within, to your inner core. Envision yourself at each of those jobs and feel which is the right fit for you from your cool, calm, inner core.
It’s just like anything else on your to-do list. Instead of trying to sort out physically what’s the best thing to do, feel your way into each of those choices and see which of them resonates for you. Which of them stands up and shouts “yes!” to your innermost self.

Drop everything off your list except to feel for the energy presence of Source. Don’t step out with any new actions unless the energy presence is there. You will feel the energy presence pulling you into the correct actions…but you’ve go to follow it around with your nose. Smell for it. Follow it with your nose and be led in that way. Get your cognitive mind out of it. Use your body as your guide. Think less. Enjoy more. Just BE there. BE your body. It has intelligence far greater than you know.

Your guidance is always with you,
~Twelve link to original article
