The lesson is not in how to Give, it's in how to Receive.

FromYouToYou's picture

The lesson of life is not in how to give, it's in how to receive. Reality is a gift. Reality is love...but, importantly, Reality is freedom...complete freedom! So this includes your ability - at least in your perception - to create alternative realities.

In our case, this is nearly our entire history as we know it. And this is because the very concept of "history" only exists as we know it.

The way things and people are is given us. We are all completely loving and completely giving. Anything to the contrary is illusory. Why this is difficult for you to understand is because even your perception that you are a body is illusory. You are the life-force of your body, the life-force of consciousness, the life-force of life itself. You are mind. To understand these truths is very difficult for us.

This is because we are still children.

We are just now waking up to an entirely new dimension of consciousness, and one that feels like the end to a centuries long journey into the wilderness. But as we peek out into our escape, into our freedom, we see this is but the very first step into Reality. It is when we learn anew of the amazing, wondrous, spectacular beauty of the gift that has been given us all equally.

Here this is impossible to understand because here everything is either worked for or fought for...or stolen. But that this is the case IS OUR CREATION, it is our illusion, made in place of the gift from God of Reality.

In our perception, to believe reality to be this way takes faith. What we fail to realize is that to believe reality to be any way takes faith. If you see a world - a reality - of war, of starvation and of ego, it takes great faith to believe such things even exist.

Every perceived problem in the world, every single one, is precisely that: merely perceived...and all perceptions are optional.

It is only this we need learn in order to change the world. For when we learn this, we will have learned it is not the world that needs changing, but our perception of it.

In any other time in human history, to spread this truth would take years and, even then, it'd be extremely difficult.

But we have the Internet.

And thus it will take no time at all. For the very first time...ever(!)... we can all communicate with each other. For the first time ever...there is no "other" one over the mountain, no one out there...

Only us.

And therefore we can share this the only time we ever have been able to, ever will be able to, and ever could be able to...


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This is Entry 49 of Journal 6 which you can read online completely free here.

Spread the Joy!!!
