Life Is NOW a Playground Filled With Atomic Energy and Change!

Lia's picture

By Lisa Gawlas



I would like to give a shout out to Cheryl’s Spirit Paintings, whose art I used for this sharing.  I was doing what I always do, googling for an image that fit this sharing, when suddenly spirit reminded me of this wonderful artists work and that I would find exactly what I was looking for as soon as I went to her facebook page.  Sure enough!!  When spirit gives a shout out of direction, I must too!  Please go to Cheryl’s Spirit Paintings and enjoy the beauty of her soul come to life!!


I think the Full moon that kicked August off must have spewed joy juice all over the atmosphere like a giddy kid!  I have not felt a more excited, energetic month like I am feeling thru every single reading so far in August.   I can liken it to a 2-year-old who has been pent-up for a really long while and has just been let loose, and YOU are its chosen playmate!!


This is a month, an energy, that really wants you/us to play wild and free within its childlike atmosphere!  Do you even remember what it is like to play so freely like a 2-year-old?  This is a month to get back to basics, allowing the entirety of the energetic world be new and curious.  It is a month to put off chores and play with all the new toys (energies) available.  This is the month to remember that you are HERE to LIVE and EXPLORE and CREATE with JOY!!


There seemed to be an almost constant theme (again) in all the readings yesterday, something I really didn’t get fully until today.  4 out of 5 readings started out suspended or held up  above the ground.  One reading didn’t at all and this one was so incredibly different from the other 4, which I now feel we can all use as a role model!!


Let me share with you what I now so clearly understand.

The lady whose energy unfolded fully on the ground in a massive circle of energy that encompassed her inner and outer world so well, there was no distinction (in my view) between the two.  As soon as I oriented to her energy in the reading, I could feel what I can only describe like an earthquake where two fault likes are starting to separate and reveal the earth below.


For the most part, her huge energetic circle of inner and outer energy was shown to me like puffy cloud like energy (things still hidden/not revealed) within the Light of her soul.  I watched as the center of her field, starting at the east field (new beginnings, fresh planting) started to rip open across her inner center and spread outwards to her west field (harvest.)  Once this ripping open/intense separation was done, the energy revealed was intense.  Altho she is just as the very beginning of this birthing of herSelf, the opening was just a big wider at the center of her field.  Let’s just say it was about 6 inches wide at the far east and west points and at least a foot, foot and a half wide at the center.

This is so much more than “new life” representing itself.  She had set into full on motion the complete change out of her old DNA to her fully activated new DNA and all the life changes that goes with it.


She was kind enough to tell me that she just put in for a 4 month leave of absence from her work to go exploring.  If I am not mistaken, she lives in Germany and will be traveling the South American landcapes over the next several months in search for herSelf.  I assure you, she will find that… and more!!

So, long story short (smile) by putting all this energy into motion, she is already birthing from deep within, the full version of her next incarnated self.


I really don’t even have a way to describe the new energy coming up to form her (thru the cracking open) except deep from within the earth (so it appears dark like you would be looking into a deep tunnel within Gaia, and a lot of amber hues within it.  To me, amber is the ancient part of us coming out of the petrified state of preservation and finding form and motion once again.


Don’t think for a moment this lady is overflowing with money, she is, however, overflowing with trust in the universe to be provided for as she travels and backpacks deep in the south american rain forests.


Something interesting was told to her, that really made me stop and pause.  She will be meeting a person (or group of people) from South Africa.  Actually, I could soooo feel her feet in South Africa so I was a bit surprised when she restated she was traveling South America and not South Africa.  But we know this crazy universe can do ANYTHING to get the correct group of people together.  When I felt this connection (they kept the details of who out) I heard her team say “It will change the destiny of your Life.”


I heard them say this in my right ear (spiritual life) and yet, everything about that meeting unfolded clearly on the left side of her field (Physical life.)


The only thing I knew for sure, was if she made a certain choice once introduced to this person (people) her life will change completely.  Always remember, change is ALWAYS for the better!!

So, in contrast to my other 4 connections, I so get her today!  Everyone that seemed to be suspended above the earth is really being asked to make new choices, employ new action and energy into their life and as they do (let me say, most already are) walking thru the rest of August will be like walking downhill on an easy flow of life adventures!!


If you can look at this time as allowing yourself to really rise above the life you are living and look beyond it to the life you want to live.  Not as a future adventure, but as a current moment energy.  From this view, you will know what steps you need to take each and every day to get to where you are going to go anyway… eventually.  Why not today??


Every ounce of what we do this month is setting a massive stage for September!  The details of which are still meshed within a cloud bank of cloud-like energy.


I do want to share one more very important aspect of yesterdays connections. Like I said yesterday, there is soooo much information coming thru each and ever day I cannot possibly share it all without ever leaving my computer and keyboard.  So, I gotta highlight!

This connect was so flipping intense I about felt apart during it.  Magnetically, energetically intense!!  Holy Flipping Cow Batman!


The first thing I had seen was what I thought were 5 large (exercise ball large) balls of orbiting energy around this ladies head.  I noticed they were constantly moving and her team was kind enough to put the (hard for me to say) words “elliptical orbit” into my mouth.  Just for the record, I can handle the word orbit, it is the word elliptical that trips off my tongue!

I started to see a very familiar looking pattern of energy emerging that looked like this picture (only change the red to gold and make those balls much bigger):


The orb in the center was her brain.  And we wonder why we have been off our rocker for soooo long!!


I clearly understood the intensity and consistency of the energy changing her brain waves, her magnetic field of energy, her thought patterns, EVERY FLIPPING THING!!


Again, I say, ain’t no wonder we have been knocked on our ass thru July.  Just connecting to her was tapping me out, in a great way… but man having all that energy envelope my own antenna… geez!!

I decided to move her ahead (mostly to disconnect for her brain orbit!) and see what this is all leading up to.  I wasn’t even completely out of the orbit when her next visual appeared (dammit.)  There she was, slightly bent forward carrying a really heavy solid gold purse (pocketbook) in her right hand.


I could tell the reason she is bent forward was from the sheer weight of this purse.  I was going to look inside her purse and her team instantly said, “its solid.”  Nice to know there is a solid gold purse available!!  Instantly her team added a word to the “purse” and said it is a “change purse.”  Pretty big change purse… like the old pocketbook styles from the 60′s.


If it is solid gold, how can we put change in it?  You can only take the energy out of it.  It is a true “change your life instantly purse.”  I told her I am going shopping where she got that purse!!

However, depending where we are on our energetic timelines, this purse is (or will be) available to everyone.  Again, WE MUST USE IT.


August is going to teach us how from what passes thru our emotionally charged minds, to our hearts and at our doorsteps of life in a mere nano-second!


As I was watching all this and trying not to fall off my chair from the shear energetic winds of her atomic head (no exaggeration there) I suddenly seen her apple tree start to emerge and get large directly behind her golden atoms of energy.  The more we talked, the larger it grew.


From that I started to understand more and more of her mastery and wisdom is not only available to her, but completely embedding in her neuro-pathways for use.


As soon as we acknowledged that understanding a man appeared before her, coming in from her left side (connected to her physical life) and will be a catalyst in helping her use the wisdom and energy of her new body.


Like I said, all of this seemed to unfold in pretty much the same space.  Our magnetic fields are so tight and ramped up… really really really filtering the emotional field of your thoughts… crucial!!

Let me give you a super prime example of this magnetic fields ability on what we can say is the negative spectrum.  I had heard that my youngest daughter (who is not speaking to me at all) texted her older sister (while driving mind you!) and was texting out “I am an emotional wreck” in that very moment, she wrecked her car and parts of her body.  From what I hear, she needed 9 stitches (somewhere… I am only getting bits and pieces of her story.)  This was August 1st.


On the upside, my lady with the atomic brain (big smile) is starting a class to help the rescue horse she is housing (I wrote about her last month.)  There is no doubt in my heart that this man is going to be picking her apple tree and hand feeding her!!  Now that is exciting and great use of this intensely magnetic August energy.

So what’s in your “change purse”  (yes men, you have one too!!)

It is playtime!!  Thank you ALL for being my most wonderful and loving playmates!!


(((((HUGZ))))) of deep magnetic attraction to ALL!!

Lisa Gawlas


August is my Birthday Month

and I Am Giving Gifts of Love, Joy  and Guidance to You!

ALL 30 Minute thru 60 Minute Readings will receive:
FREE (emailed) Astrology Report for the coming 4 weeks in your life via 
I will provide for you your natal chart for her to get intimate details on your planets and what it means to you in the present and coming weeks.  Both your natal chart and your 4 week astrology report will be emailed to you within a week of your booking!  Please provide in your appointment where it says notes: Date and time of birth and place of birth.  I will get the information to Geraldine!  Happy August Everyone!  It is POWERFUL!!
I have also reactivated the 3-4-2 Special thru August 16th.  
This packages gets you three 30 minutes sessions with Lisa to be used by the Fall Equinox.  You pay for two, I give you an extra session as a bonus.  PLUS I am including the Astrology Reading as mentioned above too!!

