Love Meditation: Greeting Eternity in 10 Minutes

lemme howdt's picture

Wait ..... wait ..... wait....  NOW !!!!!  Open your heart and mind and feel the Love

This is the beginning of the eternal moment - take a deep breath and focus entirely around and about love.  Inhale as deeply as you can, then slowly exhale and push all the air out of your lungs.  Imagine a Merkaba - a six pointed star consisting of two opposite tetrahedral forms.  Take six more breaths while keeping your focus on LOVE - imagine each breath clearing out a point of the star - everything escapes the interior on rays of emergent love.

Next come filling your Merkaba on the next six breaths - as deep as you can get them, with a slow exhale that is consistent to the inhale.  Breath eight can be LOVE, then next PEACE and then JOY.  Then repeat these three concepts or change to your own.  I often use TRUTH as a form - I often choose just LOVE in all positions.

After filling your Merkaba - the final four breaths are of thanks - LOVE ever-present and a THANK YOU for being.  The entire meditation takes place over less that ten minutes when i take my deepest breaths and when finished, I find myself totally clear and calm - ready for anything that may come my way.  The original form came from a Drumvalo Malchezidek book on sacred geometry - the visions playing in my mind are guided by the firm foundation of love in LOVE.

When i have the time, i will count to 8 or 13 on the inhale and 13 or 21 on the exhale - giving a Fibonacci form to the breathing exercise.  This tends to set alpha waves into a regular form and refreshes my mind, body and soul.  It is just one way to appreciate the eternal greatness of being - enjoy LOVE throughout your day.

Namaste'     lemme
