LOVE Reigns!

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Ya’ll already know how I feel about LOVE…it’s the most important thing, item, feeling in MY life and I’d like to think it’s becoming more important for you as well. I’ve done some reading today that was long, slow and laborious yet, this reading was not a chore for me. Have you read something that really resonated with you? Something that just hit a deep well inside of you and your “agreements” started gushing just like water from a freshly dug hole?

The article I read was unusual because it stemmed from a channelling. Hey, I’ve channelled once myself, no big deal. But this channelling was different, “Hidden-Hand” is the entity (off-world spirit reincarnated into human form) answering questions from ordinary humans on his views about “WHY” things in our world are happening the way they are. Also, this entity is directly working WITH the Illuminati with info about why they do the negative things they do.

Why do I ask questions about and research the hard stuff? I want to know not just that something is happening, but I want to learn WHY it is happening! (You know, “root cause” analysis, the management training is paying off! :) Back to the topic…why would a benevolent God who LOVES us, put us through all this “hell on earth”?

I’ll not paraphrase much about this interview with an Illuminati insider, so you’ll need to read this yourself and ponder about the answers to questions he is asked. Suffice it to say his answers are all reduced to being about LOVE. Wait a minute…LOVE from the Illuminati? Yep, it’s true. Please re-read my blog from March 9 where I urge all to LOVE the Illuminati in “Love…those Rascals”. Then read this rather long article to consider:


cindyloucbp (
