MAAHES and Apedemek

Anonymous's picture


Excerts from MAAHES-Wikipedia, the free dictionary


MAAHES (also spelled Mihos, Miysis, Mios, Maihes, and Mahes) was an ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war, whose name means "HE WHO IS TRUE BESIDE HER". He was seen as the SON OF THE FELINE GODDESS (Bast in Lower Egypt and Sekhmet in Upper Egypt) who nature he shared. MAAHES was a diety associated with war and weather, as well as that of knives, lotuses, and devouring captives. His cult was centered in TEREMU and PER-BAST.


As lion-god and patron, he was also considered the son of RA and of BAST, the feline goddess and patron of lower Egypt as well as Sekhmet, the lioness was goddess and patron of Upper Egypt.


Considered to have powerful attributes, feline dieties were associated with PHARAOHS, and became patrons of Egypt.  The male lion was used in words such as "PRINCE", "MASHEAD", "STRENGTH", and "POWER".





Excerts from Ancient Meroe: Nubian lion-god Apedemek


Hundreds of kilometers south of the Sphinx, exsist NUBIA, in what today is called Sudan. Apedemek, "THE LORD OF ROYAL POWER," was a Nubian lion god, and at the Apedemek Temple at Naqa, south of Moroe, reliefs show Apedemek worshipped by the royal family.


The lion of ancient times was also a symbol of wisdom.  King Solomon was at times symbolized as a lion.  IN THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS (10: 19-20) Solomon's throne is described: "The throne had six steps, and the top of the throne was round behind: and there were stays (handrests) on either side on the place of the seat and two lions stood beside the stays.  And twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps there was not like made in any kingdom."




Love Nageeta








Maahes and Apedemek

Ra-Raela's picture

I read in a book. that was channelled by a woman who had lived in Egypt before the more commonly known pharaos, that they had lions as temple guards. Their consciousness was so high at that point, that the lions saw them as equals and worked cooperatively with them. When the consciousness sank, the lions started attacking people and were dispatched.

Wow, thanks for sharing. I

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

Wow, thanks for sharing. I learned something. I believe that was possible.


Love Nageeta


Bev's picture

I often see a strikingly beautiful Lion faced man face to face with me when I meditate. I read that the Lion is associated with Lyra and I pondered on whether I may have originated there and this Lion Man is a loved one of great importance. He brings me great courage and peace.

Thank you for this information, sister. Your sharing is a wonderful gift.

I see that image myself at

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

I see that image myself at times when I meditate. You are correct, it is a soothing image. My sign is also Leo. So, I identify with lions very much. I wish that I had a white lion so I could name him Blanko.


I love to share information. According to one of the people who do Ancient Aliens (my favorite), "KNOWLEDGE IS THE CURRENCY OF THE UNIVERSE." I wish I knew which episode that was so I could give the person who said this his props, he surely deserves them.


Love Nageeta