Mass media has worked wonders in perception management

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 Schapelle Corby case still in dispute (big news in Australia when it happened)


Are we tired of all the Bali drug cases in the news? After the Corby case I certainly had heard enough, however, new evidence indicates that we were gravely misled. Over the passage of time, suppressed evidence has come to light which has now been laid bare for all to see in the online documentary movie Expendable.

The movie is certainly not hollywood, as it has been made on a limited budget by a group of concerned private individuals, but this does not detract from the trail of undeniable evidence it uncovers.

Archived videos of official goverment statements coupled with copies of official Australian Government documents form the basis of the case with all of this evidence available for download at the dedicated website

The movie is not for profit and it's free to download and re-circulate.

you dont need to be wearing a tinfoil cone hat to watch this one but you will need to put your political bias aside and watch the complete movie to see how the mass media has worked wonders in perception management to protect the Australian Government.

Sure, Schapelle Corby may not fit into everyone's socio-economic or ideal peer group but should that exclude her from receiving justice as an Australian citizen?

I urge every Australian to get online and watch it. Then see if you are not incensed into action by the deceptions revealed.

Not only will our combined action free schapelle from her current slide towards insanity and possible death in that stinking hell hole of a prison Kerobokan, but it will also make a very loud statement that the people of Australia will no longer tolerate corruption.


Geelong Advertiser, Journalist Linsay Smith