Matthew's Message: April 23, 2017's picture
Message from Matthew
April 23,  2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are hearing sobering rhetoric in connection with North Korea, and we assure you there will be no all-out war with that country or any other. You also can ignore the media hype about Russia’s new cold war with Europe and the United States—Russia is one of the “backbone” countries whose goal is peace, economic stability and environmental preservation. And, North Korea’s nuclear missile tests pose no threat—ever-diligent crews in your skies would cause warheads to malfunction just as they have on more than a dozen occasions in the past few years. Acting upon the recommendation of colleagues on the planet, one of the crews caused the recent explosion of a missile seconds after launching as a psychological setback for the testing program and a means whereby the tough talk could be deescalated.
Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that dissatisfied citizens in numerous countries will initiate or continue anti-government protests and combatting terrorist groups will be necessary for a while longer; however, communication lines that will be opening will lessen and ultimately eliminate hostility between all “enemies.” Your compassion, sympathy and prayers flow naturally for the many millions who are enduring life-threatening deprivation or other severe hardships, but please don’t become caught up in the karmic drama that is playing itself out. Your steadfastness in the light is aiding and inspiring the peoples to co-create Earth’s destiny as a peaceful world where all share in the abundance and live in harmony with Nature.