~Mayan Calendar 9th wave ~ 21 days until October 28th~

Lia's picture

The sixth night ends on October 10th, the seventh day of the ninth wave begins on October 11th. Looking at the world today, I believe that the Mayans knew a thing or two about things that we do not fully understand. They knew this time would be special, so special that they built pyramids with nine levels to remind us about it.

Looking around I am seeing wonderful ideas that would help usher in a new era for global society. As we see these wonderful new ideas that unite us as a people toward the singular goal of freedom and enjoyment of every single life, we also see the energies that kept us separate collapsing.

If the Mayans are not correct, then this is one doozy of a coincidence!

CIA influencing media

Stefan Molyneux - Some ideas worth listening to.

Earthship Africa - Great Video, really good ideas.