The message... "DON'T GET DISTRACTED!

Rosangel's picture

My dreams have been vivid these past few weeks.  I have been waking up tired at times with the knowing that the tiredness comes from whatever I was doing in dream time.  Anyway... my senses are up... Having lots of dreams of the night time sky.  Which I find interesting considering the incidents happening here in the US are directing our eyes to look towards the land and not up...  My dreams take me to the same place every time... My point of view is the NYC skyline.. The Empire State Building is always in the background.

This week alone, I have dreamed of flying ships, ships chasing each other, ships shooting beams. In my dreams, the night sky is filled with what at first glance appears to be stars... except they are moving in groups and different directions...  I also saw a part of the night time sky open up to reveal a part of space I have never seen.  It was as if someone/something pierced thru the veil of our night time sky to reveal a truth that was always there, but hidden from our eyes.  I feel a presence here... close.  It's big.  It feels like when you are waiting for guests to arrive.  I find myself anticipating the arrival of...

I know this means something. 

The message... To me. To all of us."DON'T GET DISTRACTED!

There is a lot happening that has the potential to distract us from holding our light torches.

Last night, I also received a message from a guide at dream time.  He told me, "You are a visionary."  He touched my shoulder, looked at me in a way that communicated that "the time has arrived"

Lightwarriors... Our medicine is needed. Calmness is needed. Wisdom is needed. Strength is needed. Don't give into the madness. We need to hold our light torches high for our brothers and sisters.

Thank you for allowing me to share!

Be in your heart space and in calm.

~Holding my torch of peace and illuminating a golden pink goddess light of love and unity. Your sister RA lil wolf Perez


Rosangel Perez is a Soulfuldancer & Spiritual Movement Coach

Host of Cafecito Break on Blog Talk Radio

Founder of The Gratitude Movement/El Movimiento de Gratitud currently celebrating 29 Days of Gratitude virtual events. For more information, please visit:
