A Message from MAX The Crystal Skull thru Donna Atkinson

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Greetings, I am MAX the Crystal Skull

Today we will talk about the Moment of Impulse as I like to call it. The moment when the new Divine Blueprint will be released to form the New Earth. The activation of the 12[13] strand DNA. The Ascension Codes as they are called by some. I carry these codes within me and release them when the moment arrives. I have done this many times before, in many different places.

In the vernacular of the times you could liken this release to a complete reboot, a totally new operating system download for a new Earth. When the grid is in place, when the crystals have all been activated and the sacred geometry of the New Earth has been created in space around the planet, then is the Moment of Impulse. I will release the codes of the Blueprint into the grid.

In that very Moment, in that instant, everyone and everything including the Planet herself will feel the Impulse -- whether one is in full consciousness or one is at the unconscious level, all will receive the energy of the Moment, the spark of energetic light, the new Divine Breath. You do not have to read these words to be prepared. You do not have to sit in prayerful contemplation to be prepared. You may be planting in the fields, or working in a factory. You could be tending to a sick baby or fast asleep. Rich or poor, young or old, wherever you are at the Moment of Impulse the energy will flood the Earth and you will know, for your soul will be aware. Your activation will arrive and you will know it for your soul is always awake, is always aware, and has prepared for this moment.

No one and nothing will be left out. All will connect with the Impulse instantaneously. This is not exclusive to a few. Every living thing on the Planet will be infused with the Light of the Divine, with the codes of the Divine Blueprint. Those on the surface, those in Middle Earth, those in the land of the Fae, those dimensionally unseen for eons, all will feel the impulse. However, in that instant, in that Moment, all must also choose.

This is still a matter of Free Will. It will still be up to each individual soul to accept this gift. Some will be completely aware and joyously accept, many will not understand and may struggle with their choice but still resonate with this new spark. Others will not accept at all. It will be a choice at the soul level for everyone. Nothing will be forced. It is a choice for everyone. It is always that way.

In Divine Love and Light,


Contact: donnagemini@wordpress.com or donna_atkinson@ymail.com
