Microgreens: More Nutrition Packed in Baby Lettuce

Silver's picture

GreenMedInfo, By: Margie King, 11/04/2013

Flickr - Micrigreens - Br3nda

You may know microgreens as the delicate, colorful garnish on your overpriced and undersized meal at an upscale restaurant. Yes, they’re visually appealing but aren’t they pointless decoration? Some aficionados have claimed superfood status for these tiny edible greens produced from vegetable, herb or other plants.  New science says microgreens aren’t just cuter lettuces – they may be more nutritious.


Researchers from the University of Maryland and the USDA conducted the first analysis of the nutrient levels in microgreens.  They concluded that in general these babies have more vitamins and other nutrients than their fully mature counterparts. In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry scientists analyzed the amount of vitamin C, carotenoids (antioxidants important for vitamin A formation), phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and tocopherols (vitamin E) in 25 different varieties of microgreens.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

