Military Terror Plot: Murder Case Uncovers Terror Plot By 'Militia' Within U.S. Military

Phil Rowen's picture


                                                               August 27, 2012 

                            Military Terror Plot


LUDOWICI, Ga. -- Prosecutors say a murder case against four soldiers in Georgia has revealed they formed an anarchist militia within the U.S. military with plans to overthrow the federal government.

One of the accused troops, Pfc. Michael Burnett, pleaded guilty Monday to manslaughter and gang charges in the December slayings of former soldier Michael Roark and his girlfriend, 17-year-old Tiffany York.

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So on one side we have David

Guest's picture

So on one side we have David Wilcock & Drake, et al.
and now we have this?
All of it being reported on the darks
'news' site the huff'n'post???
This kind of duality is, for me, getting real easy to discern.
How about you?
Endure/love to all,