~ More Disclosure of Truth Unfolding~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, We Love YOU! More Disclosure of All Kind of Truths is beginning to Explode on this Planet! Many Documentries are Coming out with TRUTH! Finally Humanity is Awakening. You can Join us On the Higher Grid Today beginning at 10:30am Pacific for Our Weekly Meeting as we discuss this. You can Join at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


Also If You have Not made a Love Share$ this Month, Thank you for Sharing, Caring And keeping us Going

Total May $ 1187

Goal 3000$


Re~Hearter. Chat Session Now ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!




Join us here:



heartAwakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)

Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)


Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!

~ Love, Mother God and Rain



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Celestine Prophecy


A relaxing movie inspired by The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield



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Elizabeth Renter ~ Study Finds Avocado~Eaters To Be Especially Healthy


Natural Society May 10 2013

Many of us do not have to be “sold” on the benefits of avocados—their silky texture and versatile flavor make them hard not to love. But when studies show that avocado-eaters are healthier overall than their counterparts, we feel justified in our love-affair with the green fruit. And the research may even convince some non-avocado-eaters to cross over to the other side.

Avocado-Eaters Found to Have Better Health than Non-Eaters

According to a recent study published in Nutrition Journal, eating avocados is associated with a lower body weight, lower BMI and waist circumference (a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes), higher “good” cholesterol, a lower intake of added sugars, better diet quality overall, and higher nutrient intake levels.

In other words, while the avocado itself provides many direct benefits, it also helps indirectly too.


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~ Space Weather Update~ Early Morning~ FILAMENT ERUPTION:


TRIPLE CONJUNCTION OF PLANETS: Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are converging for a beautiful sunset conjunction. The show begins on May 11th and climaxes two weeks later. Get the full story and a video from Science@NASA.

FILAMENT ERUPTION: An unstable filament of magnetism on the Earthside of the sun erupted during the early hours of May 12th. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast:



The erupting filament did not spark a significant solar flare (that is, there was no strong flash of X-radiation), but it did hurl part of itself into space. SOHO photographed a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site: movie. The CME could deliver a slight, glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 15th. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


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A Pleiadian Message About Our Inner Guidance. By, Bella Capozzi.



images-1As healers and intuitives, I believe that the some of the most common questions we get from our friends, family and clients are in relation to opening the lines of communication between themselves and the Higher Realms.  They want to know why they can’t hear their Angels, or they want to sharpen the skills that they already have in order to understand them better.  What most people don’t realize is that they already are getting this information, and they just need to learn how to recognize and interpret it.  This type of communication can manifest itself in such a variety of different forms, as is explained in the message from my own team of Guides, below.  While I did originally receive the message last summer, the information seems to me to be even more appropriate right now.


Seeking Guidance From Within

Originally received on July 8, 2012.


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David Icke & Max Igan - The Power of The Heart!



Listen to your heart When it`s calling to you. Listen to your heart There`s nothing else you can do. I dont know where you`re going And I dont know why, But listen to your heart Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile. The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea. They`re swept away and nothing is what is seems, The feeling of belonging to your dreams. And there are voices That want to be heard. So much to mention But you cant find the words. The scent of magic, The beauty that`s been When love was wilder than the wind.
Film clips – Om Gud Vill
Song – Listen To Your Heart – Roxette (Performed visually by the Cardigans)


For the raw unedited,music free version,click this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag6qq5…


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David Icke - Opening To Awareness ... Beyond Mind To Consciousness



David Icke


Please circulate far and wide - make an effort, make a difference.

This is the link to send ...




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Happy Mothers Day Love Party~





You Can Join us Live At This Link:  http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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Mother's Day LOVE Party Now! Join Us! ALL Are Welcome!




Join us this afternoon for a special Mother's Day LOVE Party!

The party will start at 5 pm Eastern (2 pm Pacific).

Join us here:


Bring chocolate and Open Hearts!
ALL are welcome in LOVE!


 Mother God



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There Is No Mistaking The Evidence; Cannabis Cures Cancer


May 12, 2013





It's no coincidence that the government has tried to criminalize the use of marijuana and growing the hemp plant. They know it's a miracle vegetable and that it's helping people to either deal with health issues or cure ---YES, I SAID CURE---diseases the allopathic medical community has chosen to exacerbate through the use of costly, toxic drugs and cocktails that create more health issues than they resolve.


While smoking the dried leaves of the cannabis is not recommended, the phenomenal benefits of ingesting the raw plant or the oils derived from it are well documented. Now that we have the Internet and can share the truth, many people are using it to cure cancer and kissing chemo drugs goodbye.


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Message from Matthew - May 12, 2013



Message from Matthew




May 12, 2013





Higher perspective of Earth; violence, duality; CIA, Boston marathon bombing; Zionist movement; UFO hearings; climate changing



With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We know it is difficult for you to feel elated about Earth being in fourth density when violence still has a firm place in your world, and you wonder where the promised Golden Age is.    



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Just now we need you the most!


Angel Wisdom Sunday, May 12, 2013


Just now we need you the most!


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On the Horizon~ by Ron Head





We will speak today of this newest influx of energies, centered around your month with three eclipses.  This will accelerate the societal changes already begun to a rate not seen before.  Some will be bewildered by this.  Those who have already progressed well into their awakening process will feel some vindication for the convictions they have jealously guarded for so long.


This also signifies, to great extent, the changes in your universe which are soon to bring about inner evolution and outer situations you have dreamed of, intended, and requested of your Divine Creator.  You who recognize what is, in fact, well underway, may be impressed with the rate of change you are seeing, but we tell you it is as nothing compared to what is on the horizon.



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Amazing Lightning Stories Recently


Weather.com - Jon Erdman

Hourly rate of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes associated with twin thunderstorm clusters on the morning of May 10, 2013.


Recently, while severe thunderstorms have produced hail, high winds, a few tornadoes, and local flash flooding, one could argue the most compelling stories over the last week or so have been due to lightning.  Let's recount these factoids:

1) Incredible lightning rates

The map above is a screengrab of radar and lightning strikes from Friday morning, May 10, 2013.  You'll notice two main clusters of thunderstorms, one from western Alabama to Louisiana and a second in central Texas.

Videos and more: Weather.com


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The Importance of Staying Uplifted


Oftentimes things may be happening all around you that seem to be discordant, and you cannot imagine what is going on. But you must remain focused and steadfast and be able to see through and not get caught up in the mundane dramas that are constantly being perpetuated on this planet.

I have good friends who live way out in the desert in order to get away from everything. Like a lot of people nowadays, the husband is obsessed with disasters and potential catastrophes. In fact, he even has a cave on his land stocked with enough survival goodies to feed and water a small town. I lived with my friends for a few months the winter before last, and everyday, as we worked together, the husband would talk about last night's Art Bell radio show, and he even taped the most frightening shows so that I could listen to them later in the day.

Now . . . I was having some health challenges when I arrived at their place, and over a period of the next couple of months I felt my energy level going down and down. My physical discomfort was getting worse by the day.


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Thich Nhat Hanh on this, Our Mother’s Day


Thich Nhat Hanh on this, Our Mother’s Day

Thank You to Ann Kreilkamp

“Many of us humans, blinded by greed, pride, and delusion, have been unable to recognize you as our Mother. That is why we have caused so much suffering to one another and have damaged your health and your beauty.”



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High Council of Orion ~ Frequency Changes


Dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support ALL at this time of heightening energies and shifts in frequency. As many of you are aware the moon and the increase in new earth frequencies has allowed for higher dimensional timelines to open and to become available. It is vital at this time that you do not allow your human logical mind to try to teach you that the earth is the "same" and the options and manifestation of your dreams is somehow contained, this is not TRUTH. The movement of SOUL groups across and within planet earth energetically will now be done PHYSICALLY, ALL are being aligned at this time and all are now communicating to heightened levels. Many of you may now be wondering which is dream time and which is waking life and we guide for you to allow your human vehicle to find balance. Now is not the time to allow the human logical brain to take over once more, the heart KNOWS TRUTH for the heart is seeded with TRUTH and now this must be the guiding LIGHT for ALL at this time.


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Stunning Photos of Volcanic Lightning


Weather.com - Martin Reitze, 3/14/13

Sakurajima Erupts in Japan

From our partners. Photo courtesy Martin Rietze.

German photographer Martin Rietze travels around the world every year to capture the most stunning, breathtaking places on Earth, from the peaks of the Swiss Alps to the deserts of Namibia.

Rietze's specialty lies in photographing volcanoes, especially those about to erupt or actively erupting. He has (literally) written the book on the subject -- he's the author of a German volume on what he calls "extreme photography," which detail how to photograph natural phenomena, and has also published a pair of books on the geological background of volcanoes.

More: Weather.com



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One by One, Homes in Calif. Subdivision Sinking


Weather.com - Tracie Cone/AP

Sinking Subdivision in Lakeport, Calif.

Sinking Subdivision in Lakeport, Calif.The wreckage of the Tudor-style dream home of Robin and Scott Spivey who were forced to abandon after the ground gave way causing it to drop 10 feet below the street in Lakeport, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)


LAKEPORT, Calif. — Scott and Robin Spivey had a sinking feeling that something was wrong with their home when cracks began snaking across their walls in March.

The cracks soon turned into gaping fractures, and within two weeks their 600-square-foot garage broke from the house and the entire property — manicured lawn and all — dropped 10 feet below the street.

More: Weather.com



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Gaia Portal UPdate~Portals of Understanding have Multiplied and Expanded...


Reblogged from GaiaPortal:

Click to visit the original post

Portals of understanding have multiplied and expanded across Gaia.

Clouded visions clear as Gaia upgrades to refined vibratory structures. These visions, of Higher Nature, occur at individual, group, and planetary levels, and inspire all involved to release restrictions from individual, group, and planetary growth paths.

Recognition of universal Unity and Law of Oneness by humanity-general becomes commonplace.

Former "standards" of being are dropped, as such are now viewed as not-helpful to the Unity.



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Nancy B. Detweiler


Love one another





  I’ve watched this extraordinary shadow dancing video several times in recent days, tears streaming down my face. Why?


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March Hailstorm in Miss. Leaves $25M in Damage


Weather.com - Jeff Ayres, The Clarion-Ledger/AP

Pearl, Miss.

Lightning steaks across the sky behind the Young Meadows Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, Ala., Monday, March 18, 2013. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)


PEARL, Miss. — The Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers Training Academy in Pearl isn't the most aesthetically appealing place to train officers these days, its director, Pat Cronin, concedes.

The March 18 hailstorms that struck metro Jackson destroyed 87 law enforcement and civilian vehicles parked at the academy when the storms hit, punched holes in roofing membrane above the gymnasium and smashed through more than 100 windows and skylights throughout the complex.

More: Weather.com



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Storms Swipe Across New York Metro Saturday


Weather.com - Jess Baker, 5/11/13

For the second time this week, severe storms hammered the New York City Metro area on Saturday.

Thunderstorms with heavy rain and lots of lightning moved in during the 3 p.m. hour. The Weather Channel's severe weather expert Dr. Greg Forbes counted more than 175 lightning strikes in 15 minutes.

Video and more: Weather.com



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POOF for May 12, 2013: Happy Mother’s Day!


PoofMay 12, 2013 | RMN

Greetings and Salutations:

I haven’t been responding to emails nor on the computer much but have not missed a beat on the conclusion on this ‘never ending story.’ It is ending and that’s all that matters. Hong Kong is very pleased right now and there is definitely major forward movement.

April showers certainly bring forth May flowers so be prepared to pick your bouquets. That’s right!! It looks like most of the bad guys are put to bed, no more sweet lullabies for them.

I’m certainly getting the rest I’ve needed and am looking forward to freedom, as we all are! Consultations available until my doorbell rings.

Love and Kisses,



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Montague’s Message for Sunday, 12th May 2013



Yes, my dear, it is wonderful news. The Irish people came together in a massive show of solidarity. The event, Darkness into Light, was a huge success: with 40,000 people coming together to welcome the Light. This is what we had been waiting for and hoped for. This is just the beginning. Expect the energy from this one event to enlighten and encourage others to welcome the light of truth and take back your power.

When people come together in solidarity, they realise the importance of sharing their expertise, their knowledge, and their understanding of what was done to keep them in darkness. It is time, my dear, for all good people of your world to come together, to expose the plans of the Cabal and to refuse to comply with them. They Dark Ones need you to fight their wars. They need you to believe their lies. They need you to accept, without question, what they tell you to believe.


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Heavenletter #4553 - In the Courtyard of God's Truth


Heaven Letters Published on: May 13, 2013

God said:

It has been said, and you have heard: All that exists is this moment.

This moment is Infinity and Eternity. Beautiful is your coming to the complete realization of this Reality of Infinity and Eternity, two sides of the same coin.

Infinity and Eternity rule out time. Time cannot possibly exist in timelessness.

Without the existence of time, there is no longer the possibility of suffering. Suffering comes either from the past, even the past of a moment ago, or it comes from fear of the future. Nor can fear of the future possibly exist in Reality We speak of right now. Right now is on an even keel.


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Growing unrest: Mexico raises alert level status for Popocatepetl volcano


The Extinction Protocol- 5/13/13



Mexican authorities raised the alert level for the Popocatepetl volcano near Mexico City on Sunday morning after observing an increased level of explosive activity. The lava dome of Popocatepetl, some 50 miles (80 km) to the southeast of the capital, may expand and unleash increasingly powerful explosions of ash and lava, Mexico’s National Center for Disaster Prevention said in a statement. The alert level for the towering volcano was raised to yellow phase three from yellow phase two, on orders from the country’s Interior Ministry. It is the third-highest warning on the center’s seven-step scale. This change in activity in the 5,450-meter (17,900-foot) volcano could provoke big explosions capable of sending incandescent fragments out over considerable distances, the center added. -


Link: The Extinction Protocol


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Magatha from Agartha ~ Introduction to some new Galactic civilisations that co-operate with us ~ by Méline Lafont


pleiadedolphininfos Monday, May 13, 2013


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FAQ/Primer Updated!


GFP Note: We have updated three sections of the FAQ! Please enjoy and add questions or comments below.




Ego - What do you mean by Ego? Why do I have to shed my ego?


Anything that is not your authentic self (LOVE) is ego - also called unconsciousness.

Examples of ego: vanity, arrogance, control issues, low self-esteem, aggression, dishonesty, humility, timidness, lack of self-confidence, jealousy, resentment, martyrdom, self-righteousness, playing the victim, blaming others, greed, selfishness, stubbornness, impatience, shame, guilt, and clinging to 3D attachments.

The list of ego traits is endless because everything that is not LOVE is ego. And everybody has different ego issues but most of us have some sense of not being good enough. That is what the program has done to most people – made them feel as if there is something wrong with them.

Ego comes from fear. For example, if you are vain or overly concerned about your looks, that is probably just a symptom of the fear that you are not good enough or that there is something wrong with you – that you are not worthy. If you tend to be aggressive or otherwise try to manipulate people, that may be a symptom of the fear that you will not be able to control things – that you are not in control. However, it could also be a symptom of the fear that you are not good enough or that there is something wrong with you.


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The manuscript of survival – part 309 • May13, 2013









The manuscript of survival – part 309. May 13, 2013




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California homes sinking one by one in now abandoned subdivision near volcanic field


The Extinction Protocol, 5/13/13





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Andy Bojarski ~ My Higher Self: Your Awareness and Priorities Are Shifting


pleiadedolphininfos Monday, May 13, 2013



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93 Million Miles


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Yeshua ~ See Yourselves As I See You: Magnificent Beings of the Divine ~ Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 12, 2013





Hello dear ones, Light of my Light, Love of my Love. I come before you today in humble reverence for your unyielding perseverance in this very important mission that you have consented to take on for the service of all. To watch you all has been enlightening to us all in the Celestial Realm. To see you spread your wings of divinity is music to our ears, salve to our souls. In heartfelt allegiance, we continue our journey forward together.

The road has been long, but look around you and you will see much progress within and without. You have reached a new phase in your development and in carrying out your service to humanity - the service you have long held very deep in your hearts.

You have opened up new vistas and avenues of existence, especially of late, when a huge shift happened in many of you. You are beginning to see your purpose and mission and choosing your path. You are realizing by now that in doing so, you must leave much behind. But consider all that you leave as just training wheels that you have joyfully taken off in order to fly more steadily into your true vision of life.

Suffice it to say that you have graduated into a much more intrinsic version of yourselves and your life. For you are ready now, oh so ready, to soar into the unknown without a glance back. For you know now that you are destined for greatness, along with all your fellow beings upon this new shining earth becoming more apparently so every day.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - May 13, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.



Map of the 5.7 quake W of Amukta Island, Alaska

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

May 12



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Giant sheets of ice creep onto Minnesota shore, surge toward houses


NBC News - Daniel Arkin, 5/12/13


Minnesotans saw scenes reminiscent of a Hollywood sci-fi spectacle this weekend when massive waves of ice surged out of the water and crept onto the shore like some fast-moving glacier.


Powerful gusts of wind drove giant sheets of ice toward townhouses hugging the southern lip of Lake Mille Lacs at the northwest end of the state.




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4MIN News May 13, 2013: X Class Solar Flare




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on May 13, 2013


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Volcanic activity worldwide 12 May 2013: Popocatépetl, Tungurahua, Sabancaya, Copahue


Volcano Discovery Sunday May 12, 2013 19:04 PM |

Current seismic recording from Popocatépetl

Current seismic recording from Popocatépetl


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Short Update~ Whats Really Going On, On Planet Earth=Heart~




Greetings Love Beings, Intense Energies Continue this day! More Events of Disclosure of Truth is coming out More and More from many directions!!!! How Exciting! Many are reporting of having alot of Dreams About Disclosure as Well. Its Heating Up on Planet Earth=Heart! You can Join us Live Today for Our Weekly Meeting Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


Topics of Discussion:

Humanity is Awakening FINALLY

Disclosure of Truth

Sun Activity 2 X class Flares with More to Occur Possibly

Earth Events

Ego Death

Surrender and Letting go to The New Earth Energies

Intense Dreams

And Much More! Thank You for Bringing Your Light and Your Questions for US



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Starships over Chile and Argentina


Residents of Argentina and Chile looked into the sky last night and saw this huge group of lights in the sky. Was it an alien space craft? Maybe a group of well controlled meteorites? Or, was this just another weather balloon?


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Let Go of Any Old Beliefs and Expectation~ SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean





DSCF1665Dear ones, I am pleased to see how much your light work is increasing, even in face great difficulties and challenges. Don’t let go of hope, of the light, for this is when you need it most, in order to carry you through the next period of joy and abundance.

There is much confusion on your planet at the moment. Politicians will always have their double motives and agendas, trying to please their electors and to please those in power of the corporate world. Their agendas and rules have nothing to do with the way you manage your own lives. Ultimately, your power will be restored and you will be able to create your own set of rules, and your own universal laws. Just make sure that you can cover your bills, and keep your children happy for now, the rest will fall into place one step at a time.

Life challenges are only coming so that you can find yourself, in fact things never get easier as one would be inclined to believe. Things only get more difficult as you are nearing your final ascension cut off point. The challenges keep increasing, the adversaries get stronger, and fear becomes more personal. When you have agreed to come upon the Earth, you were warned that this would not be a plane sailing trip, but rather something of a roller coaster ride.


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The Pleiadian High Council: Telepathic Conversations Have Always Preceded Contact



- through Wes Annac-

We spend a vast amount of your “time” to borrow that term from our channel’s mind, working aboard our ships for your planet and for a plethora of other planets and realms actively involved in the ascension of the Universe.

We work from our ships quite often, and in our leisurely time we can travel to infinite other realms and landscapes if we wish – by stargate travel; by travel which is bred from the sheer intent to travel somewhere which takes us there instantly; or via the holographic rooms we have aboard our ships.

We have what you best would know as projectors of a higher dimensional, conscious nature in most of the rooms of our ships. These projectors project an entirely real yet holographic reality, which is fifth dimensional (or purer) and which we can enjoy and exist in just as much as we can any other location.

This is because the holographic projectors aboard our ships are using the very energies used to Create and sustain your reality and indeed, our reality, to Create and sustain specific environments we would work with the projectors to manifest for ourselves.


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New Earth Revolution: cosmic weather report, edition 2



"The cosmic weather is made of all things in the Universe. All things play an important role. So do you my Beloved Human Beings."


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Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~Week 13 May ~13 May 2013


PamYounghansHighlighted Aspects this Week

Monday: Neptune square Venus, Uranus semisquare Mercury, Pluto sesquisquare Mercury; Tuesday: Saturn quincunx Venus; Wednesday: Mercury enters Gemini; Thursday: Uranus semisquare Sun, Pluto sesquisquare Sun; Saturday: Neptune square Mercury, Uranus sextile Venus, Pluto quincunx Venus, Saturn quincunx Mercury; Sunday: Saturn sesquisquare Jupiter

BEFORE we talk about the coming week, I want to announce that my next teleclass is now on the calendar!

The title of the class is “Our Journey of Transformation Continues.” During the 90-minute class, I will walk us through the remaining six months of 2013 and talk about when and how the planets will be both supporting and challenging us..

Mark your calendar now for Thursday, June 13, from 4pm to 5:30pm PDT (7pm to 8:30pm EDT). To read more about the class, or to register, please go to:


As with my other teleclasses, your registration ($25) gives you the choice to attend the class by phone or online, and includes a replay of the class for those who cannot attend “live.”


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~ Space Weather Update~ X 1 Solar Flare~ STRONGEST FLARE OF THE YEAR


SUNSET PLANETS: Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are gathering in the western sky for a beautiful sunset conjunction at the end of May. Get ready for a fantastic show. [full story] [video] [photo gallery]

STRONGEST FLARE OF THE YEAR: A sunspot hiding behind the sun's northeastern limb erupted on May 13th at 02:17 UT, producing the strongest solar flare of the year so far. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme UV flash from the X1.7-class eruption:

Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) tracked a bright CME emerging from the blast site: movie. No planets were in the line of fire. However, the CME appears to be on course to hit NASA's Epoxi and Spitzer spacecraft on May 15th.


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Majic 12 Documents Special on ETFirst Contact Radio May 12 - 2013


In depth show about the Majic 12 Documents and the Majestic 12 Group related to the retrieval of the craft and EBE's afther the Roswell Crash Site in 1947.


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David Icke - The Illuminati Toxic Agenda to Soft Kill You


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ New World


Angel Wisdom Monday, May 13, 2013


The world is changing


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