The Morning Blessing 10.30.12

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The Morning Blessing


Hello on this grand day of Alchemical Celebration! In our country tomorrow night millions of children will dress up in costumes and head out to receive a bounty of goodies from all the neighboring houses. If you tune in, you can feel the excitement. And in the grown-up world we play with many concepts today ... we may be attending costume parties ourselves, terrorizing ourselves, or simply communing with the magical forces of the universe. For those of you who do not have plans I invite you to go trick or treating with me in the cosmos.


While it's been an intense month, today is a day to be light, be full of laughter, be hauntingly joyous! Parade around with the kids this weekend. Skip down the hallways at work. Sing in the elevator. Pretend you're dancing with the great Sorcerer himself, Mickey Mouse, as the music from Fantasia blears in the background. Lightening the load today and playing is the remedy for all the energies that have marched through this October.


Whenever there is a continual universal task of transfiguration and healing (code for Ascension) it is important to make time and be praiseworthy for what we have received from those experiences. In other words, we must cultivate gratitude for all that has collapsed, been released, or felt disastrous. It is in the profound act of looking for God's grace and being thankful that we are able to overcome negativity and weakness. I realize that may sound strange but it's true. If we are seeking God's goodness then we must start with seeing where it is in each day.


And if we are unable to find Spirit's goodness and remain in a funk then we must begin the practice of intentionally smiling. By becoming what we are seeking we assure the appearance of it in our own worlds. If we constantly focus and reflect the confusion, chaos, and negativity of these shifting times then that is what is going to be predominant in our world, right? Smiles are the first step to a life of upliftment and a balanced mental, emotional, and physical state of health. Smiles also literally hold the power of happiness by raising the levels of serotonin and releasing endorphins (happiness hormones) so give it a try.


Finding deep appreciation for whatever life brings creates "the delicate balance" that we all are constantly searching for. Use the mystery and ceremony of this day to see your life from a different perception; as a Treat instead of a universal cosmic trick to get more Light on planet Earth.


I can just hear all our unserving negativities screaming, "I'm melting. I'mmm mmeelltting!"



The mystical powers of the Universal Source engulf my world 
as a blanket of Trust. As I walk through the land of unknown 
spooks, spirits, and demons I find within myself the magic of 
Self-Knowing. The spell of opening my mind and heart to a 
deeper realization that I am Spirit. For Spirit is my true form, 
and the form I see in the mirror is but an intelligent consciousness 
having an experience of belonging in the world.
Today I knock on the door of the Universe and claim my treat of 
inherent rightness, wholeness, and goodness..... a sense of being
both blessing and blessed....totally at home in the heart of Spirit. 
I understand that there is nothing to fear in the unknown. The 
still, dark places of the universe contain the creative seeds of 
tomorrow's experiences. These are the silent places where I can 
awaken to what's going on right now. Become alive with all the 
good that is here in this moment. I release anything that keeps me 
from adoring who I really am, anything that would keep me stuck
in limiting patterns or beliefs. Today I see beyond the mask and the
costume of a human life and embrace the powerful Eternal Spirit
of Light that truly can shape all my thoughts and all my beliefs. 
I give thanks for this inner celebration of holiday today, and I know
that it always uplifts me and refreshes me to summons the power of
my authentic Self in spiritual recognition. It brings a greater joy than all
others. I give thanks for the invisible palpable presence of Spirit in 
my life, and for all the blessings that brings. And so it is. 

