The Morning Blessing 11.15.12

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The Morning Blessing

The path to self-empowerment is not an easy one. Here are some ideas and suggested ways to get you started so that your unique soul path can be outrageously more joyful !


1) Become aware of your beliefs and how they influence your perceptions. Think about the saying: "Seeing is believing." Perhaps it is equally valid to say: "Believing is seeing."


2) Become aware of your emotions. If they are anything other than enthusiasm, what are you resisting?


3) Be willing to re-examine your past and memories you may have suppressed. Areas of unconsciousness represent areas you are unaware of, but that doesn't mean they don't influence you.


4) Be willing to walk away from situations that rob you of your personal power.


5) Be willing to let go of control over others. Trying to control others is usually as sign of fear and resistance. We cannot be self-empowered when we are trying to control others.


6) Be willing to feel your feelings without resistance. Embrace all emotions with enthusiasm. When you are angry, for example, really feel the anger. When you are in pain, be willing to fully experience the pain. Remember, it is the judgment of our feelings that causes the resistances that inhibit our personal power.


7) Connect with all the aspects of yourself. Get to know your inner child, your logical adult and your spiritual or higher self. Work on integrating the three into a harmonious unit.


8) Examine those areas in your life where you are not yet self-empowered and see what choices you have made that you may be willing to change.


9) Know the difference between self-empowerment and self-isolation. Ideally, when we are self-empowered, we connect more fully with others rather than less. Intimacy is the product of two self-empowered individuals willing to be totally seen and known by each other.


10) Understand that it isn't so much what happens to us in life, but how we deal with it that matters.


11) Be willing to be "cause" rather than "effect" in your life. This means taking full responsibility for your words, thoughts and deeds. It also means never seeing yourself as a victim of circumstances.


12) "Dance in your passion and play in your joy."


Today I awaken with an unshakable intention: to experience my power no 
matter what. Because God is the source of all things, and there is nothing 
else, everything must come from this One Perfect Source. All things have their
origin in God, and this includes people, events, nature, the world...and myself. 

The nature of God is perfect peace, perfect power.  It is compassionate understanding.
God is the courage it takes to go beyond the small and powerless minded places I've
lived in before. No matter what my little intellectual opinion may be, the choice before
me is plain. Will I live from the biggest dream I can imagine, or will I merely repeat what 
has gone before? The choice is completely mine. Spirit is yearning for me to wake up 
and say yes to the authentic power that I have dreamed of. It is looking for ways to 
expand my idea of what is possible far beyond my current consciousness. Today, 
I give the Divine Creator of all life my full attention, and I let God have its way with me. 

There is nothing in this world, in any form, that can impede my divine awakening. 
There is no situation, no habit, no unconscious clenching of my heart that can 
stop God from opening me up when I say yes. I'm willing to let go my powerless 
ways, and I do. I'm willing to let my vision be lifted up, and it is. I'm ready to see 
my divine power revealed through all people, places, things, experiences, moments 
big and small, and I do. I know that I am one with God; I see this everywhere, I live 
from this truth, and nothing is ever the same again. 

With absolute gratitude and joy, I let this treatment transform my awareness
of self and Self, and let the power, passion, and presence of  Spirit be my
companion from this day forward. And so it is. 


