The Multi-Dimensional New Earth Gets Form♥♥ Dragons and Dolphins♥♥

spiritdancer 2012's picture
Dragons and Dolfijne

Beloved Family of Light, as you move to this next phase of Connection and Re-start connection, you will also connect to the intense energy of Awakening the Dragons and the Dolphin Masters. These two groups of beings of light are focused on this part of the 2012 alignments and are ready to cooperate with those of you who are ready thight.The First you will in the 6th dimension the Dragon Energy encounter you this link. The Dragons are the carriers of the Higher Dimensional "Cosmic Fire" or Angel Fire. This is a very basic, but powerful energy you "nuclear" energy could call if you consider in scientific terms, the basic "fire" the holographic matrix in place ..

The Dragons were the early bearers of the cosmic energy and you were "ancestors". They spat fire because it expresses the Cosmic Fire were. When you awaken the Dragon Fire, get to reconnect with your old ability to work with the Cosmic Fire for co-creation with the Divine. If you live in fear for the Dragon Energy, she lives in your shadow side and can be destructive ways of 'explosion' caused fire as negative. This happens on a large scale when people go to war and fire on each other Letting rainwater rinse in the form of weapons, especially nuclear weapons the ultimate negative use of the Dragon Fire. This happened when the people the Fire Drake from a scientific perspective have approached and tried it for negative purposes. Indeed, a great part of the current conflict in the Middle East to the use of the Fire Drake for war and who has the right to access this power. The Dragons are themselves evolved and no longer want to be used for negative purposes, they want to connect with humanity again and again to offer himself in service of Peace.

Historically, the relationship with a dragon of fear, which leads to abuse and destruction. In the three dimensional world in which perception works in duality, the Dragons were feared in battle and brought "overcome". On the five-dimensional New Earth you recognize the Unity and Polarity in the Dragons may reappear, as you return to the Higher Dimensions Mastery and moving. In Mastery you Dragon Riders and the Dragon Fire with consciousness toward and use its power of manifestation and creation for the highest good and according to Divine Plan. This is the way the Dragon Energy with men wish to link and not the scientific way in which the energy used and used without any understanding of the relationship between Holy Spirit, Dragons and Men.

The second group of light beings are the Angels Dolphin Masters, the higher expression of the cetacean / Dolphin Energy from the Earth. They come from the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun through Sirius and the Pleiades. Their goal has been and always, the development of the species on Earth to guide, especially for the emerging Human Angels race. The cetaceans are Masters of Holographic Technology and wherever there is a need for a major evolutionary shift or recalibration, they are there to help. Even when the Earth rises into its new and independent role in its solar and galaxy, the Dolphin Masters to continue with this "birthing process" to help.

The Dolphin Masters and Angels embody the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. It flows with the Golden Energy of the Cosmic Christ, but also embody the Turquoise and Magenta Rays of Christ Love. The energy of the Dolphin Masters is expressed in dance, music and joy. It is fluid and smooth and bright, beautiful and harmonious. If you feel the energy of the Dolphin Masters embodies you as it is, fluid, graceful, cheerful and you can respond with grace and speed. No change of direction in the flow is a problem, you're just able to move along.

With the help of the Dragon and the Angels Dolphin Masters, the Fire of Creation and the evolution of species on Earth again be aligned with the Divine Will and the Divine Creative Intelligence. This will ensure that these energies only for the Higher Purpose on the New Earth will be used ...

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Published: March 24th, 2012