National Cancer Institute Finally Admits THC Causes 45% Remission In Bladder, Breast, And Liver Cancer

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Source: | Original Post Date: September 23, 2015 –

The National Cancer Institute recently released its report on medical marijuana. The overview of their conclusion is, THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) caused a 45 percent reduction in bladder cancer, remission in breast and liver cancer and more.

They have determined that there is no lethal dose of marijuana. And addictive potential is considerably lower than any other medicine available.

Among their findings, they have found that cannabis is not associated with adverse pulmonary function and does not cause lung cancer or any aerodigestive tract cancers. Cannabis does not cause other types of cancer either.

They found cannabis has great anti-tumoral activity. Through their testing they have determined that cannabis is more effective than conventional antiemetics (drugs that ease nausea). And inhaled marijuana was more effective in chemo-induced nausea than any other currently available treatment.
