Nature @ Toketee

lemme howdt's picture

All of a sudden, time and space parted and i found myself with the time and the resources to go to the mountain.  The sacred space of Toketee Hot Springs has been a stable source of security throughout my 3-D life - in this time of change - i packed and went.

Being out in nature allows one to let down the guard - to resonate with the earth as opposed to the pitched battle of disillusion.  The series of seven tubs with descending temperatures, is only the most salient feature of a place i call home.

Join me there, now. The hike on the far side leads past a rushing ice cold stream of snow-melt - a place to fill the canteen with something not owned by Nestle by much more nutritious.  Water is the source of life and no chemicals or preservatives can 'improve' the quality of fast running aerated freshness in a wilderness.  Falling water through algae and plants decorate the walls of the walk and the rocks are stacked in a form that suggests giants abode, or sasquai.

The campsite 'home' is across the river from the pools _ we are offered a mushroom - click, zap - the North Umpqua River is flowing way too fast to fjord today - in slower times - we can visit the salt-ites that really rock under the rock.  I pass another waterfall and head to the blue pool - an ice cold bath of flowing fury and a quiet place of artist conch of all sizes.

Phenomena speak when you resonate in tune with the connections.  Soaking in the main tub later, i noticed the reflection of sunlight onto the bath cause the moving effect of the waves to be projected on the walls.  The mural that adorns the wall is of amanitus mushrooms and E.T. and a yin/yang symbol with two dark eyes as the circles.  These forms are all swimming in the light.  A white towel served as a synoscope and i watched the waves circulate about each other in a myriad of pattern - like DNA helix in neural network form.  I can see clearly now, the reign in gone.

Alas my camera had the battery drained by the process of returning to a mundane 3-D existence after the revelation of the 5-D reality.  I am at the service of Gaia, working with all of us to create our tomorrow in our now and be the beings that we are - divine and golden. Dratzo - may we all radiate unconditional love : namaste'  
