Never before, in recorded human history has the human race lived through such a changing

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Never before, in recorded human history has the human race lived through such a changing, dynamic, and challenging century... 



Never before, in recorded human history has the human race lived through such a changing, dynamic, and challenging century...

The time between 1900 and the present have brought about incredible changes in the way the human race thoughout the world experiences life, and it will never be the same...

within the space of just over 100 years we have gone from horses and carts to to experiencing living in a society that has advanced technology, knowledge, and information that has never been so readily available

we can travel across the entire planet in a day, and can transmit information to the other side of the world in a instant

on a conscious level the world has become smaller, and continues to shrink.

the last 100 years will also go down in history as the the bloodiest century the the human race has ever lived through... Our governments, and others who percieve themselves as having power over the majority have, without doubt taken advantage of the new advances in technology and knowledge that have taken place.

this has led to wars that have devastated countries and killed millions upon millions of men women and children.. in effect, we have allowed the destruction of the environment.. all in the name of progress,greed, and profit.

we have allowed wealth of huge proportions to go into the hands of individuals and groups in control of our planet,people whos only concern is greed and power..

this irresponsibility has, and is bringing us to the crossroads in human evolution...

we have the ability to transcend the wars, to live in harmony with each other and the earth, to create a peaceful society across the earth where where no individual would ever grow hungry or thirsty, and would be able to focus their lives and energy on improving and creating a better experience for all people on the planet.

we have the resources and technology to do this right now, but need to be collective..

all the people of earth need to come together, put aside their differences , and realize we are all in this together.

what needs to happen is a major awakening,(its starting to transpire)

we each have a responsibility to share information and knowledge with our fellow human beings on this planet... the media will not do it.. governments will not do it..

we each need to wake up and play a part in educating the masses(we are, arent we?)

yes... you will be faced with resistance, negativity, and apathy... most people just want to get on with their lives... doing what theyve always done.. and not needing to think much.....

things are hopefully changing.....WE CAN DO IT.....
