~ This new energy is packed with power~

Lia's picture

We're in the mysteries of the Dark Moon, the time when the Cosmos works its creation magic.  Can you feel the old cycle dissolving within you and around you? The new one is already forming.  And make no mistake --  it's full of power, urgency, and the imperative to break through and live your truth.  The year ahead will be one you'll remember forever.

2014 is riding in on some very big and very powerful waves of energy.  This is the first time since 1995 that a New Moon has energized the beginning of a new year -- and it's the first time in 247 years that Pluto has merged his transformative vibrations with our Star's as a new year begins. Think of it as a baptism in Cosmic Power, for the year and for your life.  

Making It Real

Capricorn is a very complex energy.  Along with all that is ancient, it rules the realities of the three-dimensional world.  This is the energy we tap when we bring the formless into form. It's the energy that demands you walk your talk and make it real.   And this is where Pluto has been excavating deep within your consciousness since 2008, eliminating  what's moribund and awakening you to the power of structure in your life and our world.  LIke every part of the sky, this energy can be used in service of either Love or Fear.  The choice is yours -- and you're about to see, as never before, how you make it in every hour of every day.

We're at the Turning Point

The most dynamic portion of our 33-month-long initiation by the great cosmic change agents, Uranus and Pluto is about to begin.  This is when the global transformation that's underway becomes very, very personal.  

Between now and May 21, at least one of the 5 inner planets -- the most personal energies in your life -- will be retrograde. They won't be available to keep things going as usual.  They'll be on a mission -- a quest -- to find the awareness you need to change your life at the most personal level.  

Venus, Mars, and Mercury have already stepped into the fire. At the New Year's New Moon, Mars and Mercury will be fueling the fire that Uranus and Pluto have lit.  And Venus will be 11 days into the 40-day vision quest that has begun a whole new cycle in your relationship with the Cosmic Feminine. Everything about who and what and how you love is up for review.  The Universe is asking you to put it all on the table.  It's truth-telling time between you and your soul.  

Mars, Venus'  Cosmic Lover, is making one of his longest journeys ever through her sign of Libra and its energy of relatedness.  As he does, he's stirring up our desire -- and our fear -- of change. He's pushing us to take the actions that show us who we really are and what we really want.

The first four months of 2014 are going to be the most energetically dynamic we've ever experienced.  As this exciting, powerful, and transformative year begins, here are some things to keep in mind:


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* Get out of your thinking mind -- as often as possible.  While Venus vision quests through the earthy, sensual energy of Capricorn, pay attention to the structures and boundaries that allow you to experience the ancient wisdom of the heart and also the body -- including the body of the Earth.  From yoga to deep sleep, to long walks to touch, think of them as rituals of communion and love.

* Experience the underying reality of relationship.  Consider every moment as a relationship,  Don't think about it -- experience it.  Moment by moment, our vision-questing Venus is revealing to you the nature of what you value most greatly and love most deeply.

* Be willing to release from your life all the structures that aren't aligned with your deepest wisdom.  Create as much space as you can for the powerful new energies of manifestation that are already beginning to form within you.  A year that begins with five planets in Capricorn is a year when integrity can be a game-changer.

* Tune into ancient wisdom.  Open your heart and your mind to the Tarot, the I Ching, astrology, and the ancient wisdom texts. 

Remember that everyone around you is going through profound changes.  Change is sometimes exciting and sometimes frightening.  be gentle with yourself, and others.  Don't take things personally.  Be Love, give Love, and receive Love.  Become an even greater vessel through which it can enter our world.

Along with everyone else alive today, you're taking one of the most extraordinary journeys in history.  Your unique birth chart gives you a complete picture of the energies that are unfolding in your life.  

Understanding their nature and their timing can help you ride the big waves with much greater skill -- so that you can use them to create change that at other times would be inconceivable.

A very powerful new beginning is forming within you during these closing days of 2013.  May you feel every blessing and  breakthrough the Universe intends for you. 

Love and blessings to you,

Star Sister
(aka Marcia)


