Newly-Discovered Comet Will Put on a Show Next Winter

Desert Gypsy's picture University of Maryland




The newly discovered comet ISON, which late this year could give sky watchers one of the brightest shows ever, shines in a new movie made by a University of Maryland-led team of scientists. The team recently began tracking and studying the comet with NASA’s historic Deep Impact spacecraft.

The “movie” -- a brief clip of comet ISON -- won’t win any Oscars, but it is an early look at a comet that promises to be a major light in the night sky during its close-up with the Sun beginning November 2013. This close encounter also holds the potential for exciting new scientific insights into the composition of comets, the most pristine remnants of the early days of our solar systems, says Maryland astronomer Tony Farnham and other members of the Deep Impact science team.


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