A Note About Food Security and Solar Flares ~ Laura Bruno's Blog

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I’ve mentioned before that a large cut in food stamp benefits begins on November 1, 2013. Depending on where they live, various people in the know have begun to sound alarms about the potentially severe impacts of these cuts — not just on those who can’t afford to buy food, but also the ripple effects into the communities. Hungry people with hungry children can behave in desperate and ugly ways. If you live in the US and are in a position to donate food to a local food pantry, church, or soup kitchen, the month of November — especially early November — would be an excellent time to do so.

Here in Goshen, several of us began talking about food security in late Spring, but we’ve ramped up our efforts in tangible ways that now involve a council of church leaders, the main soup kitchen in town, the college social work program, a low income housing program, the farmers market, and many other groups and individuals coming together to address holes in our community safety net. If you are at all able, I strongly urge people to begin networking within your own community, helping to raise awareness about the value of keeping well stocked food pantries as a way of keeping the peace and building community in these wild times. You’ll likely meet some incredible, like minded, caring, trouble-shooting people you wouldn’t otherwise have known exist, and who knows, those people could become good friends or part of your tribe.

Obviously, if you have the means to do so, please make sure you have some non-perishable food supplies available for your own use as well. In addition to the food stamp issues, we’ve got some wild space weather predicted for November, including one of the top astrological economists sounding the alarm about how November 13 — when the US government just happens to be having a comprehensive, national grid down scenario drill — shows the strongest likelihood of a solar kill shot he’s ever seen in hundreds’ of years worth of charts. Though not a guarantee of grid down, his accuracy in other areas, as well as similar nudges and synchronicities to be prepared for widespread power outages, is enough for me to pass along another suggestion to stock up on food, water and cold weather essentials. Another high solar kill shot date is December 19, 2013, plus or minus two days on either side of each prediction.

I debated whether or not to post the video/audio interview with Arch Crawford (the astro-economist) and have decided to do so. It’s a fascinating interview, although the sound quality’s not quite balanced, and Arch does share some potentially alarming details. No guarantees, and, of course, being prepared is not the same as freaking out! I’m not.

However … I did take this interview as yet another synchronous message along the lines of: “We’re all safer, happier and healthier if we live in a community that cares for each other and that recognizes a need for people to come together to address and begin to resolve areas of vulnerability.” 

To see video & read more click below:

