Numerology For November 2014

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Numerology For November 2014

 By Alison Baughman


According to Numerology, November is the 11th Month and in Numerology the 11 is a Master Number. It is associated with a higher vibration, insight, intuition and a connection to the spiritual realm. This is an excellent month to take some time to do some meditation. You may receive some personal insight which could give you guidance in your life. I know from speaking with my clients that people are beginning to pay attention to what used to be considered serendipitous moments in their life. They have realized that they are receiving signs and messages from above and are paying attention.

The 11 is the “messenger.”

The vibration of the number 11 requires balance in all areas of our life, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Let’s face it. These are challenging times on the planet and it is important to stay calm and understand that everything happens for a reason and purpose. Humanity is evolving...
